What Are Your Career Options As A Law Grad?

Lawyer! lawyer! What do you wanna be?

What Are Your Career Options As A Law Grad?
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When you’ve just staggered across the finish line of your tenuous 3 year or 5 year integrated law course, you’d imagine that the feeling of elation will set you free. But you couldn’t be more mistaken. The end of your bachelor’s degree only means the beginning of the struggle as a budding law fresher in the sea of impeccable law graduates. With so many options in the field today, it can be overwhelming to decide the right stream for you. While some may already know where they want to end up, others might be confused more than ever with the array of choices of professional paths a lawyer has to choose from.

Join As An Associate With A Law Firm

This is the most popular choice for anyone in Legal industry.

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You may join any firm practicing in the fields of you choice such as Capital, Equity, Taxation, Family, Civil or Criminal cases. As a recent fresher with no professional experience, you will be a ‘trainee’ for the initial 6-8 months of your time there. Some may even secure a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) with the firm they may have previously interned with. You may play the role of a civil litigation or Criminal lawyer, entailing court hearings, document drafting, meeting with clients, etc.

Join The Government Services

Department of Legal Services and Legislative Department may offer law graduates some positions such as Legal Advisors or Legislative Counsels. You may also be commissioned for positions in the legal branches of Indian Navy, Indian Army or Airforce with further specific education, ofcourse. When you join the army, Navy or Airforce, you’re engaged in legal enquires involving officers of the force since they are governed by different regulations. You may conduct court martial of erring service personnels.

Join As A Law Academician

They say you’ll know if you want to teach.

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While this may not be the highest paying job in the beginning, in the long run you will end up with a stable job and a power/responsibility to influence young law graduates. Most graduates specialize in their Masters and Ph.Ds in the subjects they’re more inclined to teach academically in the future. With eminence and acumen in the field, there is an ever increasing scope for visiting professors in reputed law colleges and universities.

Join As A Legal Counsel With A Private Company

The position of a legal counsel in a private company entails you looking after their books, licenses, any lawsuits against or for them, observing legal compliances, etc. You may be a legal counsel in the capacity of a Company Secretary too. It is much more lucrative to be a jack of both trades in this scenario.

Pursue A Civil Service Career

Your parents and your relatives will love and respect you for this decision. After all, it’s a government job.

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You have a definite edge if you decide to study for Civil Services after finishing your law degree. It offers you an opportunity to make you a changemaker by coming an authorized officer by law. With the responsibility of policy execution, civil servants hold extreme power and influence in our society to remove any infirmities for a better tomorrow.

Now you have a clarified view of the many options you could delve in to after finishing the coveted law degree in India.