What Makes The Resume Of A Remote Worker Attractive?

The Ideal Resume Of A Remote Worker

Image Credit: thebalancecareers.com

With the social media on the rise, the age of tradition of curriculum vitae is gradually diminishing. However as long as it is not entirely dead and gone, your résumé still continues to be a vital part which will help you land up in a job which you are truly seeking for. In the age of digitalisation, almost anything is possible if you have the right attitude to work. Previously, working would mean slogging in office from 9am to 5pm, facing the atrocities of traffic, bearing the brunt of an annoying colleague, and the list is endless. But now, in the 21st century, you can start working according to your own convenience. You can now work remotely from the comfort of your home.

However, this task though may sound easy, it is not that effortless. You have to build a résumé which will set you apart as a remote worker. Your résumé should be strong enough to be able to sell you to your employer as a person who is fit enough to work remotely. Be it your general skills or technical skills, the résumé for a remote worker should be made keeping in mind the following:

Know What You Are Getting Yourself Into

This mainly entails the job description. You have to know what you are signing up for. This includes keeping in mind the requirements of the employer. If you are not well versed with the requirements of your employers then you will definitely be at a loss if and when you are called for the interview.

Time And Tide Waits For None

Make it clear how you are always pro-active about meeting deadlines

Image Credit: localpress.co.in

Mention it specifically in your résumé that you are great at managing time. Just because you are not having to commute to work and slog for nine hours, that will not mean that you will get undue flexibility when it comes to time. Cite examples of your time management, so that your résumé is set apart from the rest.

Talk About The Team Spirit

Even in remote work, building team spirit is of utmost importance. You need to be extremely good at staying in constant communication with your team and your client. So highlight those parts in your résumé in which you have displayed effective team spirit.

Make A Catchy PVP

Your personal value proposition is the one that your employer will notice the most. Yes, the previous work experience will count, but how useful you will be to the company. Write in a sentence or two describing yourself and do not follow the herd by just talking about your qualifications and experience.

“What is expected of a remote worker/staff is higher levels of belongingness and professionalism with least supervision required. The resume should ideally highlight these aspects with real time achievements that have specificity and measure. Most people write general and vague statements that are least interesting to a recruiter. This should be avoided at all cost. Resume should ideally contain what were the clear-cut project deliverables they undertook and the end result they could deliver with timelines defined.” says Mr C V Ramanan, CEO at Ladder Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd.

Give What Your Employer Wants

For your employer to hire you as a remote worker, you need to mention in your résumé the reason for that. Mention the positive impacts your previous company had by hiring you as a remote worker. Mention that working remotely will not hinder your performance in any way and that it will yield similar or even better results than what would have been had you been in office.

With these in mind, your résumé will definitely be a class apart.