What To Do If You Get The Pink Slip

Before you get the pink panic, make it work in your favour!

Image Credit: cheatsheet

The pink slip won’t get you immediately out of a job, but of course if you start becoming a hoarder, it could pretty much get you there.

In case you just got your first pink slip, there could be hundreds of thoughts rushing through your head about how this will reflect on your work and whether or not you will still be employed here for long.

However, there are ways that you can use to make the same pink slip work in your favour, and give you an edge at work.

First, Get Over The Hurt And Anger

Of course you have all the rights to be hurt and angry, so instead of letting it stew you from the inside, vent it out. Write a letter to your boss (not an email), and then throw it in the bin. Write out all your negative emotions so that there is no more hate left inside, and let it go. This will let you start afresh.

Next, Prepare A Plan

There was something that wasn’t right in your routine till now that cause the pink slip to come your way. Instead of ignoring this fact, go over your daily work routine and what all you are and are not doing at work. There is definitely something you’re not doing right, so talk to your boss and find out what you can do better.

Take It In Your Stride

Let it remind you of what you did wrong

Rishi Piparaiya has over fifteen years of experience as a flunky, mid-manager, and C-suite executive with multinational corporations. He is now an angel investor, mentor, and the founder of humor platform, Damned.com. Also a bestselling author, his satire on corporate life, Job Be Damned, has been recently published by HarperCollins He feels that it is best to take pink slips in your stride. This may be a short term setback but in the long run, this will remind you of what you did wrong and help you bounce back stronger. If it was based on your performance, accept the feedback and learn from your mistakes.

Widen Your Horizon

That means within the office as well as outside. Networking will help you understand more aspects of work and also keep you abreast of what all is going on that you need to update yourself with. Also, be proactive and take your work seriously.

Be seen and offer to help wherever you can, as this will give you more chance to learn. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask.