Why Acceptance Is Important At Work

Why acceptance is important for collaboration at work


When you work for an organisation what do want from it, beyond the monthly pay cheque? You want a good work culture, opportunities for growth, a supportive team and also acknowledgement from your superiors. This last facet of acceptance is very important.

You want to be accepted as a valued employee and team member by your colleagues and superiors. Without this factor, there is little motivation to put in your best performance and work towards group targets.

If you have ever worked in an environment that does not value you, you know that you shrink in the role, pull back from other co-workers and try to escape the work as soon as possible.

But in an age of interdisciplinary collaboration, acceptance is the key to work together with a diverse team. The instance of IBM shows that acceptance is their main block towards a collaborative team. IBM was one of the first companies to pass an official statement to hire employees without regard to race or gender in 1944. Even today, the company has one of the most diverse workforce in terms of gender identity and sexual orientation.

Thomas Watson of IBM fostered a culture of acceptance.

Image Credit: pbs

So, what can you do to foster acceptance at work?

Have realistic expectations

Though you may want to share and care, a workplace is a competitive environment. So, don’t expect that your efforts will help to build friendships quick. It is important to give people space and let them take their time in connecting with you.

Stay honest

It is important to participate in conversation about inclusion and acceptance, but you have to be honest about it. Only partake in conversations about issues that you really care about. If you fake interest, sooner or later, people will recognise it, and you may be at the risk of being seen as a phoney. In the film “The Intern” Robert De Niro stays true to his self despite working with people less than half his age, and eventually everyone likes him.

Robert De Niro stays honest to his self even while working with youngsters.

Image Credit: instyle

Don’t judge

This could be the greatest necessity in building a culture of acceptance. You have to be open to people of different communities, different gender identities and different sexual orientations.

Find you clique

The best way to be accepted is to find like-minded people. If you are into movies and music, join a gang who talks about the latest music trends. This way, you can feel accepted without any special effort.

These work hacks will help to foster a culture of acceptance at work, and ensure that each co-worker feels valued in the team.

Read Also: How To Stop Being Taken Advantage Of At Work