Why Being A Social Media Influencer Can Be Pretty Weird

It is not as easy as it looks!

Why Being A Social Media Influencer Can Be Pretty Weird
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Remember the time when a social media figure was full of sunshine and bringing the best of the world to your Instagram feed? That’s not it anymore. As cake-walky as it looks, the job entails a lot more than good lighting and the right captions. It gets complicated with each new ‘influencer’ added to the list. Here’s how:

Their Life Is Slaughtered And Analyzed

Once you're an influencer, say goodbye to privacy.
Once you’re an influencer, say goodbye to privacy.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

There’s a whole range of jobs in the media industry that focuses on digging up dirt about our favourite influencers. Be it their old sexist tweets or #throwback pictures from a blurry drunken night. In the age where ‘image is everything and everything is image’, you need to put the right foot front without a glitch. A blast from the past is all it takes for an influencer’s career to go south. It’s amazing what a massive platform with millions of impressionable followers can do to make or break your career.

There’s A Thing Called Nano-Influencers Now

If you’re having trouble wrapping your head around the idea of regular people on Instagram becoming ‘influencers’ because their account has a major following, then you’re going to have a hard time grasping this. Nano Influencers are a new breed of influencers with significantly less number of followers but their account engages with followers of a niche. This gives advertisers a clear choice of influencers to pick from to showcase their particular product.

PS: There are also Micro, Macro and Mini Influencers. No kidding.

Vacationing Isn’t Real In The Influencer World

You are never really on vacation as an influencer. You become a *travel influencer*.
You are never really on vacation as an influencer. You become a *travel influencer*.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Being an influencer means having to post atleast twice a day. What you do, what you eat, what you wear and how you live becomes a new standard for your followers to ‘follow’. So by principle, even when you’re on a vacation, an influencer has an added pressure to look like they’re having a jolly good time in a place that looks like paradise where they’re wearing super hot outfits and hitting all the right cafes and clubs. There’s no space for burnout in this industry. When you’re out of sight, you’re not only out of mind; you’re also out of engagement=out of money. Talk about a job that looks glamorous but is still a full-time job.

Sometimes You’re Born Into It

For instance, the Kardashians. They’re technically influencers on a global level. Each member of their family is in the spotlight just because they’re born into it. The digital world follows you into your life and wants to know how you raise your babies too. Once you’re a public figure, your child inadvertently becomes a public figure by birth. You’re a part of a common Influencer corporation now and brand is your Family Name. Each family members’ fame feeds the other’s and vice versa. Talk about building a brand identity just by being yourself!!

In the world of content creation and entertainment, the grind is as weird as it is real.