Work Dynamics Are Changing, And It’s A Good Thing For Everyone

The changing face of the office boss


Going to work doesn’t have to be a dull chore anymore.

If you are one of those lucky ones who work in an organization where the bosses have evolved from being enclosed in their glass cabins to being more approachable and ‘present’, this is a time of growth and work satisfaction.

There is a lot going on in the Indian job industry, and it is not only about the growth in our economy. The bigger change, to my mind, is the change in the attitude of the people who are at the top, who are helping people build positive, tolerant and strong ties at work, which invariably results in higher quality and better productivity.

Today, more and more offices are opening up their windows and letting the thoughts permeate.

Google has a culture of weekly open houses known as ‘TGIF’ where employees, even interns, can ask the CEO anything they want to about the company, the office culture, products etc.

Image Credit:

My work place, for instance, sees this confluence of ideas and views quite strongly. We are encouraged to speak up and share our thoughts, we are encouraged to agree to disagree, even if the boss has a completely different thing in mind, and the ability to present your view point and back it up the right way is seen as a positive sign.

This, to my mind, is one of the best reasons of working today.

We are seeing a culmination of thoughts like never before, with more ideas, more views and more opinions coming in and adding their own flavour to an otherwise boring meeting

Image Credit: Movie – The Intern

The need to wake up in the morning and head from one building (your home) to another (your office) is not something that sounds very appealing. But what if, I were to add here, that this is a way to move over from just your thought space and move into another, bigger thought space where you can look at things not only from where you are, but also from where your boss and your colleagues are.

LinkedIn’s CEO Jeff Weiner is a great example of this changing face of the boss. On a visit to one of the offices of LinkedIn, an employee who was absent due to a previous engagement, had left a note on her desk, describing who she was and what she was doing for the company. Guess what he did?

CEO Jeff Weiner posed for a selfie at the employee’s desk and left it at her desk

Image Credit: ndtv

A nice place to work is not just about better pay, but also about having colleagues and a boss who are approachable and helpful. The new Indian bosses, the ones who are responsible for bringing about this change, are helping to build relationships that don’t end when you switch off that sign in. They are creating bigger avenues for us to come together and connect, and not because we are meant to and expected to, but because at the end of it, we want to.

Nope, I am not being specifically paid to write this, but then again, the perk of being a writer is, you can share your thoughts, and put to words what you see. I did that.

Read Also: 5 Habits That Help You Build Trust At Work