3 Things That Millennials Do Better Than Previous Generations

Amidst the uncalled for generation war, here is a list of thing Millennials are better at.

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A lot of the previous generations believe that the Millennials will be the downfall of civilization. It’s annoying to hear them say that because not only is it an overly exaggerated statement but also it’s completely baseless. Millennials are so much more than they given credits for. Here’s why we should stop looking down on Millennials.

In fact, this generation is better than its previous generations on many grounds. Here’s a list you can use the next time you go on to defend our generation against someone’s baseless criticism.

Technology, Of Course!

Just take an example of Social Media. This generation is using social media for personal, professional, recreational, charity etc purposes and that too with utmost efficiency.

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This generation is more tech savvy and there is not an ounce of doubt about it. It is kind of obvious and understandable. Although, what people don’t get is that this generation is best at optimum application of the available technology. The phones, laptops have been here for a while but the previous generations could never use these devices the way Millennials do. This particular advantage also makes them more productive, effective, and efficient. Thus, Millennials are better equipped to handle work load and give desirable results.

This Generation Makes A Better Human Capital

The reasons behind this are simple- Millennials have better education, Millennials are more hard-working, and Millennials have the unique quality of adaptability. The extent of competition in the current generation is a result of increased educational endeavors amongst the youth. As per various research surveys, Millennials work much harder than previous generations because they have to grind themselves at all stages of life- school, college, internship and then (if) a job! And even after doing so much, Millennials are always ready to accept any change in culture and quickly adapt to it.

Millennials Do Not Resort To Name-Calling Or Group Divisions

Millennials are kind and hopeful beings. Read more about it here.

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Here’s the most important point why this generation is better than all previous ones. Here is a generation willing to accept everybody for who they are, irrespective of their gender, class, caste, race, and even GENERATION! The Millennials did not coin the word or prefer being called that, no. In fact, Millennials are strictly against such meaningless divisions. Millennials are more accepting in nature and are likely to understand someone in distress. That makes this generation better in problem solving, listening, awareness and so on.

The list is longer than this but I think I have made my point! I hope you will give it a thought if not entirely agree.