How To Keep Your Cool In This Hot And Suffocating Climate?

Sometimes it gets tough to control your angst. And the current climate doesn’t help at all!

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Anxiety, frustration, and anger are common emotions at a workspace. With time, you garner the experience to handle as well as control such emotions. In order to maintain a healthy work environment as a leader and preserve your job as an employee, you must learn to keep your cool at the workplace. But it sometimes gets too difficult and understandably so. I mean look at the climate! It’s only MAY and the temperatures are soaring higher than ever. So, how do we keep cool when nothing else is helping our case?

Don’t Sweat Everything

If you keep sweating every small thing, you will never be in control of your temper.

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No, I don’t mean the literal sweat. What I mean is that you must understand what’s more important and what’s less. You will never be able to maintain a sane mind if you give equal importance to everything on your desk. Pick your priorities carefully and tactically. Sweat only the important things and sometimes, leave the less important stuff unattended. It’s okay. This will help you gain control over your work day and be calmer while handling pressure.


Breathing is a very underrated exercise. Sometimes all you gotta do is beath. Breathing not only physically cools down your body but also helps you mentally. A simple meditation of breathe in and breathe out can help you release a lot of stress at your workspace. Also, you can try the practice of counting from 1 to 10. Let your mind process what’s happening instead of reacting haphazardly. When you react, you might lose your temper. But when you respond, you will be able to keep your cool.

Drink Lots Of Water!

Drinking lots of water should be a part of your work culture. There are offices where they keep water drinking alarms for everyone.

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It’s best practice to drink a lot of water (6 litre or more!) in a day. This is an obvious addition. Water won’t only keep you hydrated but also help you keep your cool in this hot and scorching weather. Always keep a water bottle or a glass of water handy. Do not procrastinate your thirst for water. Doing that will not only cause physical dangers to your body but also make you very frustrated. And that won’t help you in keeping calm at all.

I hope we helped! This is all it takes to keep calm at workspace during the hot and humid summer of India. What do you do for it? Let us know!