A Smiling Lizard Is Sending Twitter In A Tizzy

The cute lizard is providing new memes.

Image Credit: blazepress

Many people find this reptile disgusting. Girls scream and people are stopped aghast in their steps. Lizards are disliked by many. But a new video has made it popular on the internet.

And the reason for this new-found popularity is a cute smile. When they say that a smile can go a long way, they really mean it. It has taken a smile to give this reptile the adoration it might actually deserve.

This lizard has been trending on Twitter. Its owner has taken many videos, and the reptile seems to have adapted to the camera. As soon as it faces the lens, it turns on a bright smile. And while you would never have imagined a lizard smiling, this one does the trick for you.

Soon, people started tweeting the clip with super relatable scenarios. The smile is so relatable, for anyone who has ever asked a parent permission for a Goa trip with friends, to sneaking up on your sister’s plate of fries. Everyone must have smiled the smile donned by this lizard.

From smiling monkeys to grinning cats, the internet loves the happy animals. But do animals really smile? Until recently, most animal behaviourists believed that an animal’s use of what we call a smile is not just a reflex action of their face muscles. But new thinking on the subject is now allowing for the possibility that animals are expressing happiness when they smile.

If that is so, then this is truly a very happy lizard. He is not alone though. Last year, a gecko flashed the biggest smile when gifted a toy look-alike. It too had become a viral sensation, playing gleefully with the toy.

This gecko became popular for flashing a wide grin

Image Credit: Instagram

So, if you are having a rough day, just smile a bit. Or think of the lizard. If they can smile, so can you.