Books Vs. Kindle – Here’s How The Youth Debates

Should we reKINDLE the love of technology in a book lover?

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Many of you might already know that reading is an art. You take a book, quietly make your way through the living room into the couch and you pour yourself into the pages. What is about the smell of books, so earthy and rustic? What is this subtle art of using bookmarks? And what happens to missing bookmarks? Where do they even disappear amidst random book exchanges between friends? Now, going with the trend of today, Kindle, the robust hardware that not only survives but thrives in the hands numerous of readers, harbours thousands of books and is no thicker than a pen. That surely is something, isn’t it? Now you don’t have to carry around your books in the scorching heat or the pouring rain. But then again, how to reKINDLE the love of technology in a book lover? To Kindle or not to Kindle is the question! The young readers of today, have a divided view about this. Here’s what they shared with

Pankhudi loves to keep the kindle with her, to read on the go

Image Credit: Pankhudi Jain

Pankhudi is a regular with her Kindle. She says, “This is a one-time investment and thus way cheaper than all the books taken together. Moreover, with the dictionary at your disposal, your reading never gets interrupted. I think it is way more convenient; I can read anywhere on the go.”

Nikkon feels Kindle takes away the old habits and feelings attached to books

Image Credit: Nikkon Balial

Nikkon Balial feels, “Books which are hard bound and physically present allows me to feel it, remember the smell and relate with the characters more physically rather than electronically. We develop a habit of saving cash much more to be able to buy books physically. The reading habit is also much more personal through books, kindle has its own technologies, adjustment of light. The old school feel of hiding books and reading in low light, reading and feeling the book and the situations again and again are gone when using Kindle!”

Teesta believes Kindle is the perfect solution for lazy readers

Image Credit: Teesta Roy

“I am not sure if I prefer Kindle over books but I definitely like the device. It is easy to operate and imagine carrying the world’s biggest library in your bag! It’s the best feeling ever, right? Yeah it needs electricity but you are saving up so much on paperback editions and all. Plus it’s a blessing to lazy asses like me (haha!) I cannot organize my books there are always too many. Kindle organizes itself and you have a wide variety to choose from. So yeah!” says Teesta Roy.

For Aritri, the screen can never build the reader -author dynamics, like a book

Image Credit: Aritri Dutta

On the other hand, Aritri Dutta, a hardcore book lover believes, “Personally, I am very old school. Yeah sure Kindle is great and super convenient. And I should be the last person to say this because I rely heavily on technology. But for me, reading is not just the act of reading a few lines off something, book or screen. This kind of oversimplification takes away the essence. It’s an experience, and often romanticized. I mean if you don’t feel the crisp pages in your fingertips that spell adventure, if you don’t take it in your lap while sipping a cup of coffee made stronger now, thanks to the musty smell of the book, are you even reading? The entire reader -author dynamics depend on the reader experience something that cannot happen over a screen. So I am all for books.”

Just like the sentiments of the smell of pages, saving up money for books and the feel attached to it, maybe readers who prefer Kindle also grow an affinity towards the device. So, book lovers, why not try endearing the gadget once? And Kindle lovers, give your eyes a break from digital and turn pages and relish that smell once in a while!