Guess What This California Man Stole In Pounds To Leave Him All Sour?

A lemonade tower in the making? Perhaps not!

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Well, I guess your life is a smooth one, but what is life without a little adventure and of course, what’s life without some tangy lemons? Yes, we all have heard several versions of what to do “When life gives you lemons…” Perhaps, this Californian man deemed, the best thing to do with lemons was, “to steal them”, because that’s what he was up to, and as it goes, ‘aaj kuch toofani karte hain’, took on a whole new level after this man’s unique deed!

69-year-old Dionisio Fierros, who stole 800 pounds of lemons

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Dionisio Fierros, a 69-year-old man had no better work to do at 9.48 am on a sunny Friday morning than steal lemons. How much you ask? About 800 pounds of them! The reason for his stealing is yet unknown but what is really known is that his day went really ‘sour’ after police caught him with those fresh lemons near a traffic stop! He might have thought the stealing would be ‘eazy peazy lemon squeezy’ but it turned out to be ‘hard hard lemon tart’. The man, however, is being investigated for agricultural thefts.

Earlier a man in California was arrested for stealing tons of oranges

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This is not the first time an unusual theft as this has occurred in California. A man was once caught with tons of oranges, making it impossible for the police to find out what they were for. However, the unfortunate lemons had to experience the after-effects of the main stealing them. The man’s love for the ‘sour’ has indeed become quite a funny experience for the police. But, his phone number couldn’t be detected and probably he has no attorney of his own. This man has indeed taken the lemon phrase seriously on him.

From the time this news has flourished, Twitter took to the occasion to create their own hilarious memes out of this Southern Californian theft relating it to the movie Pulp Fiction, and important laws such as the Lemon Law. The man is currently at the Indio Jail and maybe, only a lemon-aid could save him! As much as the bad puns are on business now, the police are indeed having a hard time detecting the entire crime. Maybe they need to chill and have some fresh lemons from those 362 Kgs already stolen by the man!