Here’s How To Make Dating More Fun!

Are you bored of those traditional dates? Here’s how to spice things up!

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There are “first date” fears, there are “blind date” fears, and then there are fears of a “boring date”. Yes. When you have been in the dating pool for too long, you tend to stop enjoying the traditional freestyle swimming. You start looking for ways to spice things up. Maybe a dip in the ocean? Maybe underwater swimming? Who knows? 😛

Jokes apart, did you know there are ways to make dating more fun? Yep! Going out on a date is meant to be a fun activity. And if you are not having fun, you are definitely doing something wrong. So, here are few tried and tested tips for you-

Do The Obvious

Think out of the box!!

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What is the most obvious solution for anything that has become boring? To do it differently, right? So, just do that! Go out on a date but don’t do anything that you have always been doing. You see the irony of this heading? You have to take the obvious step of NOT doing the obvious. Okay, chuck that!

The point is to think out of the box. Forget the restaurants, cages, and the movies. Think of something non-traditional. How about a museum? Or an art gallery? Maybe a small trekking trip? A drive to somewhere you have both never been to? Play a game of a sport you both like? Or even better, play a sport that you both DO NOT know how to! Just do something that you have never done on a date before. Worst case scenario, you will both end up laughing on yourselves 😛 (It’s still fun)

Step Out Of Your “Type”

Most of us have a type and we tend to date only those who qualify as our type. You know what? That sounds boring even in words. Just read it again! Come on, don’t play by the rules. Who made these rules any way? Of dating “your type”? It is a stupid rule. Go out and try your luck with a nerd if the musical rock star failed you. Try your luck with the writer if the banker failed you. Go on, fish!

The Safest Way – Do Something You’ve Wanted To Do Anyway

Arranging to do something fun and new you always wanted to do anyway is the safest date idea ever.

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It will obviously be fun if you end up doing something you have been meaning to do. You were already looking forward to it! A new café you have been really excited to try the coffee at? Go for it with your date. Maybe it is a sports lounge you have meaning to try out. Why not? Take your date out there! The point is “ek teer se do nishana”. You get to go on a fun date and you also get to try new things out. At the end of the day/night, the date is all about how you spend the time. If it’s fun, it is fun. (Whether or not you are going to call them again 😛 )

Here’s wishing you lots of fun dates! 😉