Exceptional Tips To Become More Efficient At Work

Let me tell you how to do more in less time!

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Efficiency at work is something every professional craves. Not just the employees, but it is something every manager expects out of their subordinates. Efficiency is the cornerstone of a smooth and successfully functioning business. More efficiency means more profit. More efficiency means more satisfaction. More efficiency means more happiness.

It is crucial that you, as a professional, do everything to become more efficient at work. And if you think you are not THERE yet, here are few exceptional tips-

Make “Time” Your Friend

Time is going to be your “friends forever” (Your forever, not time’s forever 😛 )

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Efficiency is ALL about time. It is literally about getting more work done in less time. So, how about making time your friend? Begin by timing your activities. You have no idea how much time you spend doing something productive and doing something unproductive. If you really want to be efficient, you also WANT to have this information. And then, you have to use this information to set a time for all your tasks and stick to the schedule. Compare your weekly timing logs and try to improve your efficiency.

Do Not Underestimate The Power Of An Organized Office

We often underestimate the impact of “keeping things in its proper place”. We tend to keep our desk and drawers cluttered for no reason. Stop doing that. If you want to gain that extra edge, try organizing stuff. Classify things with specific places where they must be kept at. This save more time than you can imagine. Remember wasting at least 20 minutes looking for a paper pin last week? Yeah, these “20 minute fiascos” add up to hours of time wasted in a week. Stop wasting time in looking for lost items, just keep it in its proper place!

You Are Only A Human

Do not try to take up more than you can accomplish.

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You can only be as efficient as humanly possible. Do not try to cross the line. Take the breaks you deserve. Do not multitask to the extent that you start doing injustice to the tasks itself. Learn the meaning and significance of “delegation”. Efficient people are all about concentrating their efforts into one task at a time. Do not try to take more responsibility than you can accomplish. Delegation of tasks at the right time and in the right amount is also a great sign of efficiency.

Do let us know if you have any other important tips to add from your personal experience! All the best.