The Weekend When You Realize Your Life Is Going All Wrong

A peril of weekend you didn’t know about.

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Weekends are the days when you get off from work. It is a break from your daily, monotonous, and more importantly BUSY routine. When you are a part of such a schedule or timetable, when are really busy at work, you often tend to forget about where your life is headed. You just go with the flow and take one day at a time. And then comes the weekend! Well, weekends are supposed to cheer you up and make you party ready but not this time. This time, the weekends brought a sudden break on your otherwise preoccupied mind. As soon as the weekend arrived, your mind and your thoughts got a newly found independence. An independence that led you to think about where you are going with your life! And there you go- your state of being comes crashing down as you realize that your life is going all wrong. Now what?

First Of All, It’s Okay!

Life isn’t fair and it’s okay.

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It is really okay if your life is headed in the wrong direction. Look at the bright side of it- YOU KNOW! You know you need to apply a break or change the direction. You came to know of it before it was too late. Thank God for this weekend, you have an opportunity to bring your life back on track. The truth about life is that it will not always be on the right track. No matter how much you try or how good a person you are, life will make you experience bad things and go off track. Have faith in yourself and your ability to put your life back on track.

Life Going Wrong Has Its Own Importance

Life will never make sense to you so you better stop trying. There will be broken dreams, lost friends, forgotten ideas and all you can do is accept them. They are important, in a way. These factors help us grow as a human being. There can be no growth without failures. You can learn from your wrongs and then work on making your life right. Pain and loss are necessary parts of this long and meaningful journey called life. Each and every factor, right or wrong, good or bad, has its own wisdom and lessons to impart.

Use The Weekend To Take Care Of Yourself

A good walk and sometimes do wonders!

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It is in times like these that you need yourself the most. You need to take special care of yourself and make sure you do not succumb to the circumstances. Everything that is happening is only going to make you stronger but first, you need to survive the storm. Use the weekend to contemplate and plan your life ahead. Make sure you eat well and exercise a bit. Do mediation if it helps calm you down. Sleep well.

And when you cannot help yourself, please do not hesitate in seeking help from others. The biggest help or care you can extend to yourself is seeking someone else’s help and care. It is very courageous to ask for help.