How To Promote Diversity At Workplace?

A company’s culture can have a great impact on its diversity.

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It is no hidden fact that the workplaces in India and all over the world are not nearly as diverse as it should be. If you are wondering what diversity here means, it simply means to have onboard people from varied genders, religions, backgrounds, perspectives, cultures and so on. The bottom-line is to develop a company culture and hiring process such that EVERYONE irrespective of their uniqueness and differences feels welcomed. Now, as we said, the current situation is far from ideal. Thus, there will have to dedicated initiatives and efforts in order to make a workspace more diverse!

Enforce Rules Based On Values

It will be a good idea to throw the rule book at the face of anyone who practices intentional discrimination or intolerance.

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Upholding and believing in values like humility, inclusiveness, manners etc will not be enough. Dedicated steps must be taken in order to “enforce” these values such that it gets ingrained in every mind at a workspace. Drafting and complying with a company rule book can be a good way to begin with. It will not be easy for every employee to embrace diversity but given there is a rule book to comply with, they will not be left with a choice. The change might begin with rules and regulations but it won’t be long before the culture genuinely inspiring and encouraging people to accept as well as propagate diversity.

Even on the leadership spectrum, the leaders have to make sure there is no kind of discrimination at any level. Equal pay, fair promotions, equal recognition etc must be the basis of management’s conduct with the staff.

Dedicated Activities

Make sure each and everyone out there working for the company feel like they belong here.

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There can be lots of activities designed to promote inclusiveness and unity in the organization. Even if diversity is welcomed, there needs to be efforts towards sustaining it as well. If one is to feel welcomed, they should also feel motivated to stay. In order to make sure that happens, there should be a sense of familiarity and friendliness amongst all staff members. This can be activated by especially designed activities and exercises. Learning by practice and example is the best way of learning.

Diversity at work has many organisational benefits as well. Not only are you doing and practicing something genuinely good by promoting diversity but you are also being a better businessman. More kinds of talents and skills and uniqueness that is brought to the table will be highly advantageous for the company in the long run.