All You Need To Know About Fudge

If there was ever a vote on the favourite sweet ever, fudge would be a close winner!

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Okay, first let’s get it straight. Anything that comes with the gooey goodness of chocolate, sugar and a melt-in-mouth texture, how could the world not love it?

I believe that a fudge is one of the things in the world that nobody could claim not to like. So, if like me you would kill for a fudge then here’s everything you need to know about this slab of sin.

The Origin

The history of fudge dates back to the 1800s

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Chocolate fudge as the world knows it, was originally first prepared in the United States back in the 1800s. While it was initially made by mixing together sugar, butter and cocoa and heating them to get a smooth, velvety texture, soon enough innovations galore happened. Fudge, thanks to excellent patisserie cooks not only began coming in all shapes and sizes but goodies such as nuts, candies, dried fruits, marshmallows etc began getting added to it.

Chocolate And fudge: What’s The difference

Chocolates and Fudges differ in their flavors and textures

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Now, in case you are wondering what makes a slab of fudge different from chocolate, then let us tell you that while there may be similarities, a seasoned foodie would definitely know their fudge from chocolate. Since fudge is mostly made from chocolate, it has many similarities. However a fudge can be made with a plenty of other flavours such as caramel, peanut butter, vanilla, strawberry and a countless others.

Apart from the flavours there are additional differences too. While we are all familiar with the chocolate bar and the crackling sound it makes when you break a slab, a fudge will have a more velvety, malleable texture. This may remind you of certain Indian mithais. Also usually fudge has only three basic ingredients such as milk, butter, sugar to which flavours are added. Any chocolatier would tell you that getting the exact fudge texture involves a lot of science and precision. Perhaps that explains why those fudge preparations are usually entrusted to the most experienced bakers. Once set in the refrigerator, the fudge is usually cut into square slabs and wrapped as a delish surprise.

But Not Your Hot Fudge

A fudge qualifies to be a dessert only when it can be set as a slab

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If reading about fudge is also reminding you of that lovely hot chocolate fudge we love as a dessert. Then well, there’s a bit of dampener. The liquid chocolate you find topped on your ice cream isn’t really fudge at all. A fudge qualifies to be a dessert only when it can be set as a slab

A Delicious Piece Of History

While a fudge was first made back in the 18th century and continues to be a firm foodie favourite, it also has an interesting history of its female fan following. Back in 1921, a girl student from New York is said to have purchased a batch of fudge from Baltimore, Maryland. She later introduced to her fellow students by selling a batch of her own. Later on according to history there are references of other female students in US preserving recipes of fudge. As the word spread about this gooey goodness, other women’s colleges across US too started developing their own recipe of fudge. Remarkable amongst those are Wellesley and Smith Colleges that have fudge recipes dating back to 19th century.

The fact that women have finest taste, needs no better proof than the fact that fudge may have been first preferred by the fairer sex!

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