Do Women Really NEED A Douche?

You might not be doing it right when douching

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Douching means to clean-wash or soak, which in simpler words refer to the practice of rinsing out our private parts, the vagina, mostly using water or some other watery fluid. The douche fluid is often a solution which contains a set of other substances like iodine, baking soda, and even has a good fragrance. While douches are not very rare, they are available in many stores that sell grocery and drugs. The douche solution is poured into the vagina via a hose or a nozzle.

Douching is not rare in women across the world. However, it is the maximum in the United States of America. It is observed that, 55% of women in USA douche almost every day, or every week for that matter. Many doctors have been of the opinion that douching is not safe for women, especially for girls aged around 15-21. It has been reported to create serious health problems for women who in fact, were fit and healthy before they started douching.

Douche bags and devices come in different forms and shapes

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Douching, as experts say are not good for women. However, the reasons behind douching being termed as unhealthy are:

  • The vagina is an organ which cleans itself in the process. Douching becomes a hindrance in the self-cleaning of the vagina. Douching often kills the normal bacteria in the vagina which are needed for cleaning it. This further accentuates vaginal infections and 20th century women have reportedly suffered a great deal health-wise due to douching which was thought to be a safe option at that point of time.
  • Douching, in turn creates bacteria which are not good for the vagina. It, therefore, doesn’t clean, instead makes the vagina highly prone to diseases.
  • Douching changes the pH and the acidity of the vagina. Though it helps in washing away the menstrual blood, it makes the vagina vulnerable and open to infections.
  • Its better you avoid douching as it may lead to vaginal infections

    Despite douching being a savior when it comes to bad vaginal odor, in the long run, it becomes one of the reasons for vaginal infection. We need to know, bad vaginal odor does not mean it’s unclean.

While there are women who still prefer douching, douching as experts say is not a safe process, to start with. So, women who think they need a douche must do themselves a favor and avoid it, as normal cleaning while you take a bath is just enough.

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