Food We Should And Shouldn’t Keep Refrigerated

Just because you have an American style fridge doesn’t mean you can stuff it

Food We Should And Shouldn’t Keep Refrigerated
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Are you one of those who loved and envied the actors in those American movies and sitcoms pull out food, beer, and juice etc. from their well stocked, huge refrigerators as they delivered their dialogues? How we wished we could ape that too didn’t we? Those dreams can be a reality today with those huge American style fridges easily available in all the electronic stores everywhere.

There is ample room in those fridges, room enough to fit a baby elephant too! They are no longer that small cupboard like ones that made those annoying humming sound all day and night and somehow seemed louder at night. BUT the big question is what are the foods that should go into the fridge? Just because the size of our fridge has got bigger does not mean we stuff it with any kind of food. There are certain foods that are not meant to be refrigerated.

While some food needs refrigeration, the chilly air of the fridge can have a negative effect on some food. Here’s a list of all the food that need not be refrigerated

Vegetables; Refrigeration Depends On The Climate They Come From

Tomatoes should never be refrigerated
Tomatoes should never be refrigerated

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Not all vegetables need to be refrigerated. Vegetables that come from warm climates don’t require chilling. Vegetables like peppers, cucumbers, and beans etc. all become blacken and become mushy much faster if refrigerated. Also vegetables like mushrooms, potatoes, carrots etc. should be kept at room temperature and protected from light by wrapping them in a paper or cloth sack. Putting potatoes in the fridge can increase the amount of sugar they contain. Most of us store tomatoes in the fridge to keep it fresh but did you know that tomatoes should never be refrigerated. They should be kept out on the counter as the chill in the fridge can make the tomatoes dull. Just in case the tomatoes become overripe, puree it and store it in the freezer or better still make some ketchup!

Fruit: Not All Of Them Need To Be Refrigerated

Fruits are best stored in a fruit bowl or basket on the counter
Fruits are best stored in a fruit bowl or basket on the counter

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Like vegetables, fruit from temperate climates can be refrigerated but fruit from warmer countries do not need refrigeration. For example, bananas are better kept on the counter until they ripen. The cold temperatures of the fridge actually slow down the ripening process of bananas. Also, the moisture and darkness of the fridge cause the banana to rot. Avocados too go dark and stop softening, while melons develop black spots if refrigerated. Fruits are best stored in a fruit bowl or basket on the counter.

Spicy Sauce; Loses Its Potency When Refrigerated

Most of these sauces also have vinegar in them that helps preserve them
Most of these sauces also have vinegar in them that helps preserve them

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Spicy Sauces don’t need to be kept cool inside a fridge because they become less potent if refrigerated. Most of these sauces also have vinegar in them and that anyways helps to prevent bacterial growth.

Cake; Tastes Better When Kept Outside

Cake tastes better when kept out in a cake tin
Cake tastes better when kept out in a cake tin

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Unless the cake has fresh cream, there is no need to refrigerate cakes. They taste better when they are kept outside in a cake tin or an airtight container. They stay moist when kept outside and stay softer.

Bread; Refrigeration Dries It Out

Bread is best kept on the counter in a bread box
Bread is best kept on the counter in a bread box

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We often tend to keep leftover bread in the fridge but that actually dries out bread even though it might keep mold growth at bay. Bread is best kept on the counter in a bread box. Leftover bread can be toasted and made into breadcrumbs or better still make bread poha!

Eggs; Can Stay Without Refrigeration For Sometime

To avoid the risk of salmonella, eggs need to be refrigerated
To avoid the risk of salmonella, eggs need to be refrigerated

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Fresh eggs last well at room temperature for at least a week but with the risk of salmonella, it is recommended to keep them refrigerated.

Even though the fridge does help us keep some food fresh longer, it’s wiser to buy fresh and eat fresh!

Read Also: Ways To Check If Your Food Is Adulterated