Fritters Made Of Fruits – A Blend Of Nutrition And Taste

Munch on to get those fruity benefits

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Indian families do not put much heed to the art of fruit dishes. Bamboozled by so many delicacies all around, they tend to give less importance to the various dishes that can be prepared with fruits. So fruits are mostly punched into juice or smoothie. Snacking up a fruit is something very new and unexplored. What might look as a delicious pakora from outside can be a healthy fruity affair from inside. As the wedding season is about to take the country by storm, these fritters are a clever healthy snack to get the benefits of fruits, stay in shape and maintain the skin glow.

The Winter Season Special Apple Fritters

The goodness of apple in a fried form to keep you eating

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Chunks of apple surrounded by sweet do-nought, apple fritters are the dream snack for every apple lover. Ideal for winter season, get fresh apple plucked out of the garden, it will guarantee the melting of the fruit in your mouth and the flavour will burst along with the sweet taste of the fried coating. The apple can be put in raw or cooked, however one prefers.

Oh So Delectable Pineapple Fritters

The crunch and the juiciness and the ultimate inevitable taste

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Children often seem to not be happy with pineapples in their meal because of its sweet and sour taste and an out of the box appearance. Pineapple fritters are the best to camouflage the fruit and its taste behind a sweet dough which makes the fruit delectable and desirable by all members of the family. Feeding pineapple thus becomes an easy task for Mummy chef.

Mango Got A Makeover In Mango Fritters

Top it up with some yummy syrup of your choice and you are good to go

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Mango, the king of fruits never lets go of an opportunity to show itself off. Fritters are a fine way to table down the fact that the fruit is simply irresistible no matter how it is presented. Fried in a piece of dough heightens its beauty of taste and calms the nerve of every mango lover. The tenderness and juiciness compliments the sweet and soft dough. It is a must have this summer season.

Try Some Funky Banana Fritters

Bananas never tasted this good as it does in these fritters

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Mothers know how difficult it is to feed bananas to their little ones. Children come up with all kind of excuses to bypass this fruit but fritters will make sure that they want more of the fruit. Slice up bananas and place it inside the dough. The whole look of the fruit changes which is always judged by its appearance. Banana fritters are the best policy to make your family go gaga over the much essential fruit.

Experience The Royal Peach Fritters

Forget about fitness and diet when you have peach fritters handy

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If you are having a fancy party with health conscious ladies in the crew, do not forget to keep peach fritters handy. As peach is not an everyday fruit and is not universally available, its procurement is a bit tough. Store it for special guests and surprise them with this unique yet healthy dish.

Some Out Of The Box Jackfruit Fritters

You cant imagine that the main ingredients in these fritters is actually jackfruit

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This particular fruit is avoided due to the loud smell. Fritters are an excellent way to combat the smell and as a result, after the entire fritter is cooked, the smell strangely disappears and the taste is overwhelmingly better making it enjoyable.

Fruits are healthy. Go for snacks that satiate your taste buds as well as takes care of your health.