Is Organic Food Really Better than Regular Food?

Is organic food is any more nutritious than conventional food ?


If you’re trying to whirl for healthy food, it’s pretty understood you would be opting for plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. However as you hopscotch the hallway of your local market, to overlook the fresh produce, meats, and dairy products, you comprehend there’s another choice to make; should you buy organic?

International Supermodel Miranda Kerr has gone organic and she even has her own beauty line – Kora Organics.

The rise in popularity of organic foods has boomed by claims that they are healthier or nutritious than the traditional farming techniques. It’s said organic food is safer, possibly more nutritious, and often better tasting than non-organic food. They also say organic production is better for the environment and kinder to animals.

But many experts say there’s not enough evidence to prove any real advantage to eating organic food by arguing that it contains higher concentrations of antioxidants apparently, conventional foods contain higher concentrations of pesticides.

But man-made pesticides aren’t the only threats to food safety. There is also the question of natural toxins produced by the plant itself. In this arena, conventional foods may actually have the advantage. Organic food governs clear of synthetic insecticides and herbicides which means the organic plants may produce more natural toxins. These natural pesticides could be just comparatively more health damaging than the synthetic pesticides used in conventional agriculture. One recognised example is a substance produced by potatoes as they turn green, which can make you ill if you consume too much of it.

Some organic pesticides can have a higher environmental impact than conventional pesticides

Therefore, presently, no one can say for sure whether organic food is any more nutritious than conventional food or vice versa. A few studies have reported that organic produce has higher levels of vitamin C, certain minerals, and antioxidants to protect the body against certain diseases yet the differences are so small that they might have no impact on overall nutrition.

When it comes to quality & safety of the food, much depends on post procedures after the harvest, i.e. storage, handling, preparation, cooking etc. There is one nutritional validity though; that if you want to get the utmost from your food, eat it while it’s fresh. And of course whenever food is reheated repeatedly, the properties of nutrients diminish.

Also Read: What you need to know about Glycemic Index in your food?