The Root To Stem Cooking!

Everything you need to know about this latest food fad

The Root To Stem Cooking!
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Using all parts of a vegetable, from the peel to the leaves, stems, flowers, and even the actual vegetable, has become a popular food trend. This trend, called the root to stem trend, is being enthusiastically promoted by the vegetarians and vegans across the globe. It is a super creative and interesting way to use a vegetable. This root to stem trend makes your usual cooking fascinating and adds an interesting twist to our daily cooking.

Don’t throw away the most delicious parts of your vegetable!
Don’t throw away the most delicious parts of your vegetable!

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This food trend was created keeping in mind that a couple of parts of the vegetable go waste during cooking. To prevent this, the trend was started. It was one of the hottest trends of 2018, and has become really popular now.

But the question is, how does one follow this trend?

Following the root to stem is pretty simple actually. Just use all the parts of the vegetable. Use everything in your cooking, from the stem, stalk, leaves, flowers, and of course the actual vegetable. Each part of the vegetable adds a new and distinct texture to your dish. The peels can usually be fried, and they make great crisps. For instance, you can fry your potatoes with the skin on. This makes them extra crispy. Other parts of the vegetable, say the stalk or stem, which cannot be directly used in cooking can be used a flavourful broth. For example, you can use the stems of vegetables like carrot, radish or even broccoli. As for the stalks, if you are afraid to eat them as they are, you can just sauté them and blend them. They make a great puree.

Peels make excellent crisps!
Peels make excellent crisps!

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As for the nutritional benefits, this trend, makes sure that we receive and extract all the possible nutrients from a certain vegetable. Though we may not realize, the peels, stems or stalks are sometimes healthier and nutrient-dense than the vegetables themselves! We simply ignore and throw away the most nutritional parts of the vegetables.

You should definitely try out this trend, as its super easy to try out and adds not only nutrition, but also new and interesting textures to your dishes. You never know, your new favourite flavor may turn out to be that of a beetroot peel or a broccoli stem!