Top 5 Weirdest Icelandic Dishes

Wanna try some blood pudding?

Top 5 Weirdest Icelandic Dishes

Food is something that everyone needs and loves but there are certain dishes that requires a lot of courage to try. Here’s a list of some such foods that only the strong hearted or adventurous can try!

Blood Pudding: Blódmör

Blood Pudding: Blódmör
It is lamb’s kidneys and loins cooking

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This dish is dipped in lamb’s blood and suet. It is made from the hard white fat on lamb’s kidneys and loins and often mixed with flour and oats to create a pudding.

Fermented Shark: Kæstur Hákarl

Fermented Shark :Kæstur Hákarl
Surprise Surprise the shark is poisonous

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Greenland shark or basking shark is the main ingredient of this dish. And what’s surprising – it’s poisonous. The dish is prepared by removing shark’s head and the body being buried in a shallow hole for six to 12 weeks.

Cod Tongues: Soðnar Gellur

Cod Tongues: Soðnar Gellur
It’s literally not eating the cod tongue as it sounds

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Icelandic food names are deceiving because for this dish you aren’t actually eating cod’s tongue. You are just eating the meaty, triangular muscle behind and under the tongue.

Dried Fish: Harðfiskur

Dried Fish: Harðfiskur
A popular regional delicacy that is eaten with butter

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A popular Icelandic food item that is made up of dried fish, usually cod or haddock. Tonnes of dried fish are consumed each year with butter on top to soften the dry texture of the fish.

Hung & Smoked Meat: Hangikjöt

Hung & Smoked Meat: Hangikjöt
The smoked meat tastes great with potato mash

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It is a popular Christmas delicacy made from meat (lamb or mutton) that is smoked with birch or dried sheep dung. The boiled dish is customarily served with peas, potato mash and a white sauce called ‘uppstúfur’.

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