Are Enhancement Injections Safe For You?

You know they make you look good, but know these side effects too

Image Credit: guardianly

Recently, a plastic surgeon who is more popularly known as Dr. Butt or Dr. Bumbum, was arrested in Rio de Janeiro after one of his patients had a serious complication as a result of the injections, which turned fatal.

A lot of youngsters are getting more and more interested in taking augmentation injections, which are more easily available these days and offer quick shots for those who are short on time, or want faster results.

One of the largest segments that is supposedly going for these injections is young adults and the youngsters, as the injections promise to give you the body and looks you are striving for.

How Are They Done?

Most of these shots help to place the implants right under or over the exact muscles so that it can help to improve its shape, look or even the size of that particular part of the body.

But Are They Safe Enough?

There are various side effects and health effects that can take place as a result of these augmentation procedures. Here are a few that you need to be careful about.

Obstructing The Blood Vessels

One of the bigger risks of having an augmentation procedure done is that it can lead to a blood clot that can obstruct the blood vessels. This usually happens when, because of the procedure, the blood clot that had started to form in another part of the circulation tract comes right in the way of the blood vessel and stays put. This clot can then grow bigger and move from to other parts of the body, such as towards the heart, the lungs or even the brain.

High Risk Of Infection

Augmentation can increase the risk of infections

Image Credit: sandiegocosmeticlaserclinic

The augmentation procedure also reduces immunity, which means that the person is at a higher risk of various infections. Also, depending on the exact area where the augmentation has been done, and the exact site where the injection has been placed, the wound can often increase the risk of contracting other infections.

Dislodging Of The Implant

In some cases, the implant can dislodge itself from its intended area and move to another area. Also, when you implant something, the body can often react to it as it would to a foreign object. In some cases, the implant can lose its natural shape, what it was intended for, and become hard and misshapen. In such cases, it needs to be immediately operated on and removed.

Given the risks, if you’re doing this only to make yourself look better and feel good, maybe you would want to think again. If it is for any health issue, your doctor will be able to guide you best.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.