Have You Explored The Goa Pindul Cave Yet?

If you thought it’s in Goa, check this out

Image Credit: blogspot.com

Have you heard about cave tubbing? If not, get ready to be excited about it already, because this is one experience you can go for in Indonesia!

A Bit About Pindul Cave

The lesser known exotic cave

Image Credit: brilio.net

Goa Pindul Cave is an exotic place in… get ready to be surprised… in Indonesia. But why haven’t you heard of it before? Because it is located in an ‘un-mainstream’ tourist spot of Indonesia, in the Gelaran village. The underground river that flows there will allow you to go and explore the inside of the cave.

What Is Cave Tubbing?

Inflated tubs as couch

Image Credit: anywhere.com

Remember the inflatable swimming tubs we used as kids? These tubs are similar to those. For this experience, you have to sit on the tub and float your way wading through the river inside the cave (with professionals of course).

Do This Once Inside The Pindul Cave

Enjoy a few dives and a swim

Image Credit: indonesia.travel

As you go inside the cave, don’t shriek out if spot bats that might fly past. But relax, they won’t eat you! As you go further in, you will find beautiful stalactites and stalagmites (please explain a little what they are) as well as other ornamental structures like moonmilk, crystals, and perspective figurines. As you go in the centre of the cave you will find a vast natural pool. You could get off the tub here and enjoy a swim! Many tourists enjoy their time swimming here or jumping from the top. The sunlight through the open top of this part of the pond makes it look magical.

Do You Need Any Precaution To Go Cave Tubbing?

You do not really need much of a prep before going cave tubbing in Pindul Cave. The organisers of the cave tubbing agency will provide you with the inflated tubs, life vests and a headlight.

A Must-Try Experience

You must have taken multiple boat rides, water mobikes, and banana canoe rides. But tubbing is a different experience that you will cherish forever, that too wading your way into a cave!

If you’re already jumping to tell your friends and family about it, make use of all the excitement and get your tickets, but do not forget the safety precautions and always adhere by the instructions that the cave tubbing professionals give out.