Can You End Your Periods Faster?

Top 10 Tips for a Stress-free and Shorter Menstruation

पूरा दिन व्रत करने के बाद पाचन तंत्र सुस्त पड़ चुका होता है

Menstruation is just something women have to accept. And it sometimes has a bad consequence especially for people who have a heavy and painful cycle, ruining their romantic weekends or their favorite dress, whatever. It would have be really preferred if you could end your periods faster and fortunately there are some ways to do this!

What Physicians say?

Dr Heidi Fowler quoted, “Some options may include: Lysteda (tranexaminc acid), oral contraceptives, Vaginal contraceptive ring & Levonorgestrel -releasing intrauterine system (Mirena). ”

Also said by Dr. Lori Lange, “Take over the counter Ibuprofen. It decreases the flow. May not change the number of days but it will decrease the amount of blood coming out. Just follow directions on the bottle usually 1- 200 mg tablet every 4-6 hours. Also stops cramps due to PMS and period pain.”

Some other ways you could reduce those really painful and long menstruation are:


Exercise can Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Exercising can make your menstrual cycle shorter and your cramps more manageable. It doesn’t matter what exercise you do, it could be running or yoga or anything for that matter as long as your body stays active.

Vitamin C dosage:

High Vitamin C consumption helps your body to release more progesterone (the female hormone), that helps your uterine wall to break down faster which further implies that your menstrual cycle would be over sooner.


Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug that helps you to deal with those heavy and painful period cramps. It can reduce up to 50% of your flow.

Using sanitary napkins:

Sanitary napkins allow you to flow freely while tampons, which is usually preferred by most women on their period, somewhat block your flow which may cause your menstrual cycle to last longer.

Sexual Intercourse:

Sexual Intercourse can help reduce the length of your periods. Orgasmic contractions tend to release a fluid that makes your blood flow faster and that consequently reduces your long painful days of menstrual flow!

Drinking water:

Drink enough Water for Smoother Menstrual Flow

Drinking a lot of water can reduce the length of your menstrual flow extensively. Drinking water helps flush fluids off your body.

Heating pads/bags:

Heating pads or hot bags help remove fluids off your body soon whenever you apply it to your abdomen.

Taking Birth Control Pills:

Oral contraceptives not only control pregnancy but also help you manage your menstrual flow and actually reduce its cycle.


There are a few acupuncture points that help is smoother blood flow through the cavity of our abdomen and this relaxes our nerves. This in turn helps in reducing those painful menstrual cramps and proper flow will ensure that your periods end faster.

Having a healthy diet:

Right before or during your menstrual cycle you should maintain a healthy diet that is filled with a lot of fruits and vegetables. These considerably ease your period cramps.

Here you go! With these few easy steps and lifestyle changes, you can do away with those stressful and frustrating menstruation days.

However, some of these pills or methods might not be suitable according to your body and medical conditions. So, before taking any pills or trying any method, visit your gynecologist and get yourself checked up thoroughly. After all, remember that menstruation or periods is a natural process, so altering its course or meddling with it may not be a healthy alternative. Rather opt for exercises and a healthy lifestyle for stress-free periods every month.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.