Can You Lose Weight By Chewing Your Food Correctly?

Lose weight just by taking time to chew food

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Have you ever felt light-headed after chewing food for hours? Well, science says you should. Science has, long back distinguished between people on the basis of a very important characteristic in them. That is right, their way of eating. You can either be a fast-eater or a slow-eater, there is no in between.

The faster you eat, the more weight you gain

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While 90% obese people seem to be fast-eaters, it is only safe to conclude that the slow-eaters are generally a little slimmer. Due to eating faster and swallowing the food instead of chewing it well, the fast-eaters seem to gain weight much faster than the ones who take their own time while eating. This is also bound by a very interesting explanation. Since your appetite and intake of calories is highly dependent on the hormones working on it, you are more likely to feel over-eaten as a slow-eater, even if you just started eating. The hunger-control hormone is Ghrelin and the anti-hunger hormones are Cholecystokinin, Peptide and Glucagon. Due to slow and steady chewing, these hormones give a message to the brain that you have eaten enough and this entire process makes you feel full.

Haven’t we often been reminded by our mothers and elders to chew our food properly? While it may not have made sense then, it makes perfect sense now doesn’t it?

When you take time to eat you feel full faster

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While your satiety hormones do not get time for their release when you eat faster, your brain doesn’t get the time to receive signals which state the completion of your meal, which in turn makes you feel hungry where internally, you are overeaten.

Generally, when you meet your doctor and discuss about your diet chart, you find yourself disheartened, but did you ever know that if you chew your food well, and in all correctness, you could become slimmer with each passing day. It is just a trick which you could follow in your own time. People often tend to laugh at slow-eaters (yes, we’ve all been laughed at), but it is always wiser to chew your food well, absorb all the necessary nutrients which by gulping, you would have missed and then proceed towards your next meal.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.