What Is MS And Is It Hereditary?

All that you needed to know about Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one kind of an autoimmune disease that affects the human brain and the spinal cord, both of which are the main parts of the central nervous system in the human body. The central nervous system is the key controller of almost everything we as humans perform, from the basic actions like walking or talking to complex thinking. This disease can consequent into many physical imparities, like diminished vision or pain in the extremities.

Characteristics of MS

Vidya Balan was a patient of multiple sclerosis in the 2007 movie Guru starring Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya

Image Credit: Movie – Guru

The condition of MS is characterized by damaged areas in the brain and the spinal cord. These damages occur with the damaging of the nerve cells as well as the covering which promotes the transmission of nerve impulses by protecting the nerves. This disease usually initiates in early adulthood (between 20-40 years of age) but the symptoms are many in variety. The most common one is sensory disturbance in the body which can be a prickling sensation or numbness or itching. Some affected individuals also experience an electrical shock-like sensation running down their back, which is known as the Lhermitte sign. Another common symptom is hindered muscle control, including stiffness in muscle, partial paralysis of the muscles or poor control over the bladder or even exaggerated reflex.

Is MS Hereditary?

As per medical science research till date, MS is not hereditary to be precise. But, having an immediate relative (a first-degree relative) such as a parent or a sibling with Multiple Sclerosis does increase the risk of developing the disease by an individual. It has been showed through various studies how there is a larger prevalence of some specific genes in people with higher rates of Multiple Sclerosis. In some families where there are more than one members affected by MS, researchers have found some very common genetic factors. The argument that some researchers provide in this light is that, in an individual, Multiple Sclerosis develops because they are born with a genetic inclination to react to some typical environmental factor that, upon exposure, causes an immune-mediated response. But the research is yet to come to a decisive conclusion as more and more technologically advanced method of identifying genes are being employed to discover with certainty, what exact roles do human genes play in developing MS.

Ann Romney has mentioned about her condition in her book In This Together: My Story

Image Credit: huffingtonpost.in

In conclusion, the cause of this chronic disease is yet to be known as scientists believe there are more than one factors are at play in its development. Different researches in the fields of immunology and epidemiology and genetics are trying to reach at this one single answer. While the cure for MS still awaits its discovery, there are several individuals living with this condition, despite all its challenges. Celebrated personalities and public figures like Ann Romney (wife of politician Mitt Romney) and comedian Rochard Pryor are only a few amongst the sea of names that have battled with the condition of MS and eventually won in leading successful lives nevertheless.

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