Five Ways To Prevent Your Skin From Aging

Spending loads of money on anti-aging products is not the solution

5 Ways to Prevent Your Skin from Aging

“Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to heal too.”
Every person’s prime concern these days is hitting the thirties because that brings along with it a lot of physical and physiological changes. This is the phase when the skin needs to be genuinely worked on unlike in your twenties when skin maintenance was the least important job to so many of us!
5 ways to prevent your skin from aging

Protect the skin from the sun- With the ever-changing climate of the world; the sun is turning out to be a fiend these days. It is always healthy to have your skin exposed to the early morning sun rays for about 15-20 minutes. Post that, the UV rays can cause damage to the skin if exposed for longer. It’s important that we protect our skin by wearing hats and sunglasses. People with Pitta-body types should take special care and avoid exposure to the midday sun. Eating green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits like mangoes, pears, and pomegranates keeps the skin well-hydrated and maintains the youthful look.

Chemicals in your daily products cause more damage to the skin than you can imagine
Chemicals in your daily products cause more damage to the skin than you can imagine

Image Credit: maxwelladditives

Ditch the chemicals- We have no idea how many chemicals we are exposed to in our everyday lives. From the face wash we use, to the moisturizer that we apply on the face and body, to the cosmetics that we occasionally use on our skin, every product is loaded with chemicals. As much as possible, switch to skin-friendly cosmetics or simply indulge in natural ways of treating your skin. Use the seasonal fruits to indulge in a facial or facial mask. Homemade fruit packs with a combination of fruits work wonders on your skin and bring instant glow.

A whole body massage can boost the blood circulation, leading to a healthy skin
A whole body massage can boost the blood circulation, leading to a healthy skin

Image Credit: taksuubalispa

Kiss away stress- Indulge in some laughter therapy and kiss away that stress that’s wearing out your skin. Laughing without reasoning is one thing that all of us need to learn from the kids. Indulge in a whole body massage with soothing oils like lavender, jojoba, tea tree oil and let go the stress from time-to-time.

Nourish your skin- Avoid packaged, canned and processed foods if you’re looking to keep your skin healthy and happy. Eat intelligent foods that are rich in Prana. Leftover foods too, are a strict no-no. Prana-rich foods include freshly picked fruits and fresh vegetables which are preferably organic.

Regular exercise can maintain the suppleness of the skin
Regular exercise can maintain the suppleness of the skin

Image Credit: lifemartini

Exercise regularly- It is no secret that regular exercise boosts the blood circulation in the body and leads to a healthy mind and body. Good circulation means healthy and radiant skin. Exercising leads to sweating which in turns releases out toxins from the pores of the skin. Make sure you have your exercise regimen well-planned.
Other than the above-mentioned skin care, it’s important that we cut down on unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking alcohol if we desire a radiant and lustrous skin. Remember, good skin is just a few healthy habits away! ☺

Read Also: Here’s How To Wear Makeup This Summer Without Damaging Your Skin

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.