3 Signs You Shouldn’t Date The Guy You Met Online

When not to date a guy you met online


He texts you what you want to hear, he speaks to you in the way you have always imagined the love of your life will make you feel.

There could be nothing better than stumbling across your perfect man on the internet, right? But how do you know that this ‘perfect’ man who exists on your dating app is also as perfect and loving in real life?

If these signs are anything to go by, it’s best you stay away from Mister Online Perfection.

Too witty and makes you laugh every single time

Come on, we all love men who are witty and can make us laugh and feel happy. Who doesn’t? But darling, how many times have you met a man in real life who is witty with every sentence he speaks? Who never makes a blunder with words? When he is texting you, there’s enough time to think up a smart reply, or to quickly check online and share it as an original remark.

Who makes you laugh with everything he says? Not even your closest buddies can do it each time

Image Credit: Movie – Cocktail

He tells you all about his day, every detail

He messages you the moment he wakes up, tells you when he goes downstairs to buy milk, when he got a phone call from work, when he went to work, what he ate, when he’s leaving from work – you get the idea right? Not even married couples do that anymore, and there’s enough reason for it – the word ‘space’ is very tightly interwoven with the word ‘love.’ If he’s is doing this now, he’ll expect to keep a hawk watch on all your movements. Run!

Oh yes he’s done it all

No conversation is complete without him telling you how he’s already done it and excelled at it too. You went trekking or ran a marathon? He already completed first. You stayed at this amazing resort? The staff practically knows him there. You had a bikini wax and he too….wait, what? Nope, he can’t have done everything. Not yet.

There are many traits you can spot online, even before you meet him. But if you notice any of these 3 warning signs, do yourself a favour, stay safe and away.

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