5 Fun Things To Do With Your Partner After You’ve Played Holi

Here’s what to do with your partner post-Holi on the long weekend


It’s a long weekend this Holi, and once you’ve done playing with your partner, why not continue the fun and do some of these?

Throw a house party

Play together, clean up together, enjoy together

Image Credit: weheartit

Play Holi, clean up, rest, sleep then house party! What better way to end the day than calling over close friends and having a relaxed dinner at home? Call in food, or cook together (great way to build up the romance) and enjoy in your pajamas.

Head out for a road trip

Of course it’s a long weekend, so instead of staying holed up at home, head out for that fun road trip as soon as you are done with your post-Holi afternoon nap. Throw in a few things together the night before, so that it’s easier to rush out as soon as you are fresh after your rest. Most people will either leave early morning on Holi, or the day after, so leaving the afternoon of Holi could give you emptier roads and faster travel.

Have a movie marathon date

Use the time to catch up on your favourite movies with your partner

Image Credit: anotherindian

This is the best time to go for cult movies, pathetic movies to watch that will irritate your partner in a fun way, silly movies, TV series, horror, thriller, anything that you two can cuddle up to and watch together basically.

Go for a walk

How often do you get out and head for a walk together? The streets on a Holi evening are usually less crowded, and you can spend a good walk around, or just go and sit in a nearby park, without worrying about work and other things on this long weekend.

Sleep sleep and sleep

Yes, we’re all starved for sleep, and this is something that you can happily engage in with your partner especially when there is no other agenda for the day. The weather is already getting hot, so get the temperature to a perfect cool, bring out that cosy comforter and just snuggle up and get off to a sleep marathon. Leave the phones out of the room to make the most of your rest time.

Spending time with your love on Holi can be a fun and relaxing thing, especially when you have Saturday and Sunday to follow up the fun with.

Read Also: Ready To Play Holi With Your Partner? Find Out What’s Your Colour