How To Deal With A SO Who Is An Early Sleeper

Can we 'literally' sleep together?


Ever since we got into the use of smartphones, we have certainly given our sleep a hard time. Most of us scroll down the timelines of our social lives at night and more so if your partner has a habit of sleeping early.

It’s a sad state if your significant other sleeps way sooner than you, leaving you to listen to their soft snores.

Here’s how you can deal with an early sleeper:

1. Don’t Force A Change On Your Natural Habits

If you’re a night owl and your partner isn’t, don’t force them to change their habits. The body clocks form a cycle over the years and it is unnatural to change them at once. Try to adjust to each other’s schedules as much as you can.

2. Don’t Let Your Sleeping Patterns Ruin The Sex

There’s no rule that sex is a night ritual, in fact, most surveys suggest that morning sex has a lot of benefits. The night owls amongst the two should not make it a big deal and get disheartened if their partners sleep early. Physical intimacy is important for the relationship and you need to keep it alive no matter how your sleep zones are.

3. Avoid Disturbing Your Partner If They Are Asleep

Lack of proper sleep causes various problems such as anxiety, restlessness, tiredness during the day. Don’t make your partner go through all of this because you can’t get sleep. Try not to play with the lighting if your partner is asleep. Keep your movements to the minimum if the mattress is a creaky one. Let them cuddle and sleep if they are comfortable sleeping that way.

4. Sleeping Separately Will Not Drive You Apart

If there’s a massive difference between your sleeping patterns, there’s no harm sleeping separately once in a while. This means that both of you get your personal time.