Did You Know Fighting Is Actually Good For Your Relationship?

Not all fights end in a negative way!

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All couples fight. After all, we fight with those whom we love the most. Of course, overdoing it makes a relationship mentally taxing but if you can keep the decibel of arguments under control then your relationship is on the right track and all set to see better days. Read through to know how fights can be beneficial:

Stress Reliever And Kills Anxiety

We often tend to suppress our emotion and opinion to avoid unnecessary fights with our partner. This proves to be detrimental in the long run as prolonged suppression of thoughts causes stress and anxiety which leads to overthinking and we all know how it works from there. Being vocal about your views as well as your insecurities can lead to temporary fights but in the end, it does resolve the nagging feeling that you were harboring and helps you know your partner better.

Confidence Booster

Fighting and disagreeing with your partner builds perspectives

Image Credit: theindia

When you argue and your partner is visibly not ready to accept your take on the issue, it shows you both can compromise and get through things together, even when the weather is not full of love. Agreeing to disagree on a topic can feel powerful for both sides and often builds trust because being enlightened by the possibilities of the other side makes you more aware and fills you up with new perspectives.

Mark Of Commitment

Only when you are completely into a relationship, you bother to fight over an issue. If one wasn’t much interested in the relationship for long, he or she would have never bothered to point out the issue which causes the fight in the first place. Who will want to fight when drifting away is a more convenient option. Those who do, tend to care about the partner and the relationship.

Deepens And Strengthens The Bond

Arguments often make your bond stronger, when you make up after a fight

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Research stands proof to the fact that each relationship gets stronger with every bounce back from arguments. Each meltdown you have together welds a stronger bond because you become confident that you both are able to sail through unpleasant situations and stressful events with each other. A sense of team bonding can be felt with your partner knowing that all issues can be resolved between the two of you. Arguments open up a character and partners stare at the real selves of the other halves.

Stimulates Sex Life

We all know how irresistible make up sex can be. Arguments often cause raised heightened emotions, blood pressure, and when resolved – heightened libido, which leads to passionate sex.

If the spark of your relationship was slowly ebbing away, a make-up sex after a stormy fight might do the needed trick. There you go, fight all you want only to come back with more love for your partner at the end of the day.