First Date Mistakes Girls Should Avoid

Common First date Mistakes Girls Make


First dates always give you the adrenaline rush, that butterflies in your stomach feeling! The date lurks in ambush waiting to spring and when it’s there you don’t know what to wear or what to say. It’s only natural. What is however not natural and definitely not acceptable is when you take these minor petty fears to a whole new level.

Ladies, you should know how to go about this game. But just in case you don’t, here is an article warning you about the terrible first date blunders you are likely to make.

Ditch your ex!

No matter what happens don’t start talking about your ex. If you aren’t over him what are you doing on a date anyway? If you are, then quit comparing and contrasting these two men. No one can be anyone else. People are made up of such beautiful specific details. Trust me you wouldn’t be sitting there for a minute if he began talking about his ex.

All men are not great at getting hints. They deserve to be hit over the head sometimes with a frying pan but mostly with love. Get him a present, maybe a small one. Pamper and smother him with affection. No one can say no to that!

The Right Place

You cannot choose a shabby place for the first date. The location sets up the entire mood for the evening. You don’t want to take him to a place which serves stale beer and cheap steaks. It does not have to be a restaurant, but if you love some place for its great food, that will set a great mood! Ensure that he is relaxed because probably he is as tensed as you are. Don’t go clubbing if he is an introvert.

Be on Time

Ladies can prefer men who woo and pursue them but you don’t want to make him wait on the first date. Being late is a massive turn off. Equip yourself with everything that you might need for the first date and ensure everything is at your disposal prior to the D Day.

Don’t drop the M bomb

I am sure everyone dreams of having a family that you can come home to. But if you utter the marriage word on the first date itself he will probably run away faster than you can gulp down that food. Remember how many times the bride and the groom ran away through the restroom window in the Bollywood romantic comedy “Shuddh Desi Romance”? If he doesn’t run away then you should totally judge him, at least we will. You have all the time in the world to know a person. You don’t want to end up with someone who is nothing like you imagined. Have faith, don’t say the word.


Yes, women love their LBD’s. And they look surreal, everyone, always. But make sure you drape yourself with a piece of cloth that will roll with the place and ambience. You might want to save that hot LBD for a more suitable occasion or not. You are the better judge of that. But wear something that will make him comfortable to speak to you and will enjoy your company for hours.

Read Also: 5 First Date Mistakes Boys Should Avoid