How To Do Household Chores Together When You Live Together

Don’t let the dishes and the laundry break you apart


There is no denying the fact that when you start living together, it is important to take a few decisions together.

You could be spending more time living in each other’s apartment, or you may now finally decide to, or start to live together. As long as you both are tuned in the same way, things will be absolutely fine. But when it comes to taking care of the responsibilities and chores at home, it is important to set a few rules straight first, that both of you can agree upon.

1. First Talk About Chores That Are A Priority

List down the chores that are there in the house and related to the house, and then take a call on which of those are the top priority. For instance, if one of you has an issue with dirty dishes, cleaning dishes could be a priority. If you prefer to eat at home, getting the ingredients is a chore. It is not that you yourself, or your partner, has to do it. Even if you are assigning these tasks to a help, you both have to be on the same page.

2. Plan It Out

You can set a day for some of the tasks, which will give you both some extra time to spend together. For instance, one person can take care of the laundry while the other is handling the dishes. Once you both are done with the chores around the same time, it can make for some good cuddling up session.

3. Break Up A Big Chore Into Smaller Bits

Cooking together can spice up your love!

Image Credit: dreamdays

If you both want to cook at home, it is always better to break it up so that you two can do it together, instead of letting one person do it all. If you feel you want to cook your way, your partner can at least help with chopping and getting the things ready.

4. Switch The Duties

Of course these are not hard and fast rules of who does what, and you can always switch your duties so that you both get to do the work of the other. This will ensure that you are not stuck to the same task over and over again, and it will avoid boredom.

5. Anyone Can Do Anything

A great thing happening now is that we are becoming more gender-mature, which means that, girls can do what boys ‘typically’ did and same for boys. So, the guy can do the cooking, while the girl can take over cleaning the car.

The chores are just part of the bigger picture, which is, living together with the person you love. If you’re not content with something, talk it out instead of letting it ruin your love.

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