How To Apply For A Job When You Don’t Meet All Their Requirements

Instead of focussing on the listed qualification requirements, focus on the core competencies and skills

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Image Credit: छवि क्रेडिट: फिल्म 102 नॉट आउट

Often, we miss opportunities because we are too scared to ask. We think it is not our place to apply for an interview because we do not have all the qualifications listed as requirement. But by doing so, we may be missing a good chance for career growth.

Sometimes, the bosses may just be looking for someone with core competencies or genuine sincerity towards the work. They may present a daunting list of requirements to set a challenge for a serious candidate. So, if you can prove that you are the right one for the job, you should take up the challenge.

Mike is not qualified to be a lawyer, but Harvey still hired him because Mike displayed exemplary talent in the interview

Image Credit: vugnette

Mohan Nair, Chief Marketing Officer at Avenues India, says that “The best approach is to convey your ability to learn on-the-job quickly. Work the extra mile to come up-to-speed to deliver results. Also show them your integrity, intention and finally your desire and past records to take up challenges.”

So, how do you apply for a position when you do not meet all their requirement?

Understand The Real Requirements Of The Position

To find out more about the skills required to do the job, talk to other people in similar positions. Ask them what they do every day that makes them successful and what skills they use each day. If you feel you could be up to the task, then you can apply for the position with confidence.

Pack In A Punch In Your Application

Rather than focusing on your job experience in your cover letter and resume make a point to outline your core competencies and how those competencies will help you perform the job duties. Call out where you have been successful in the past and why. Let your cover letter and resume make a strong case for you. This might make your job half easy during the interview.

Highlight Your Learnability

Demonstrate your ability to learn. Highlight all the ways you continue to educate yourself, keep up-to-speed on new research and stay relevant. This learnability will show the panel that you can actually be more competent in the position than someone with just the qualifications or formal training.

Apart from these approaches, you should also know when you should not apply. Without the required core skill or technical knowledge, you could be making a case against yourself. But if you are confident of these skills, then don’t shy away from a good opportunity.

Read Also: What To Do When You Have Made A Mistake In Your Job Application