What To Do When You Have Made A Mistake In Your Job Application

Ways to recover from a resume mishap

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We all revere the process of sending out the first resume while looking for a placement. We go over it many times, show it to our friends and professors for feedback. But it may so happen that you still end up making a mistake in your job application. You may misspell the company name, or make some typos in mentioning your qualifications.

When this happens, it can be a frustrating experience. And you might wash your hands off any expectations of a call. But things can still be corrected.

In the series, ‘Friends’, Rachel makes a mistake in typing about her computer skills. She has to redo all her resume copies

Image Credit: TV Series – Friends

According to Roshan Nazareth, Director – Human Resources at PlanMyLife, “Notify the employer immediately on email stating the reason for the mistake. Honesty is always appreciated in all walks of life.”

So, what can you do when you have made a mistake in your job application?

You Can Stop Stressing Out

Nobody is perfect, and it is only human to make mistakes. If you keep spending time on guilt, you may not be able to do anything else to correct the mistake. Also, think about the position you are applying for. If it is for a copyeditor role, there might be some concern. But if it is for some technical or sales position like website designing or sales executive, you can still be hopeful for a call back.

Also, mistakes will also happen when you are on the job. What is important to show the boss that you are resilient and can correct a mistake.

Reaching Out For Corrections

Try connecting with the person who is the first point of contact to see your application. You may be able to convince them to allow you to correct your mistake. You may be able to send an updated copy of the application. If you have made a mistake after the interview process has begun, you can use the opportunity of a thank you mail to correct any errors in your application.

Janice Rodrigues, a journalist, suggests, “If you have mailed something with a typo, revert with the correct information and apologise. And if you realise your mistake during the interview, let them know that you intent to correct it.”

Letting It Go

Sometimes, there may be no way to correct your mistake, either because of the nature of the job or because of the enormity of the error. Whatever may be the case, it is important to let it go. You can only learn from your mistake and promise yourself not to repeat it. Fixating on a small mishap could distract you from future possibilities.

These approaches will help you overcome a mishap during an application.

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