How To Win Back Trust In A Relationship?

Winning the Trust Back in Your Relationship


Band-aids cannot fix bullet holes. Once you break someone’s trust, it takes a great amount of time and a greater amount of effort to win it back. The easier road to take here would be not to betray someone’s trust. At least, not consciously. But sometimes you do succumb to it, coming from either a sadomasochistic awareness or just pure recklessness, it happens. But you cannot let your relationship go awry because of that, it’s far too important. So, here is what you can do to ensure your partner can trust you again.

Give them enough time

Aman telling Naina a made-up story

As they say, time is the best healer. You cannot expect someone to trust you again in a fortnight. Remember how long it took Naina to trust Aman again in “Kal Ho Naa Ho” after he betrayed her trust for all the right reasons? You owe this to your partner. Time will vitiate all the anguish and they will know that you are willing to wait.

Actions always speak louder than words

Well, you told your partner to trust you again right? But words are empty vessels and they hold no water. Walk that extra mile to regain someone’s trust. Make some extra calls, go on extra dates, and tell them about your day and what is going on with your life. Letting them in is the key to gain someone’s trust. And once they begin to trust you don’t stop doing these things.

But give them space

Walk that extra mile without being clingy. If they want some space give it. They are probably just as messed up in their heads as you are, perhaps more. And if they need the space to figure things out, you need to distance yourself but not so much that they get used to your absence.

Apologize, Accept and acknowledge

Acceptance is the biggest step. We learn from our mistakes. Ensure that your partner knows you are truly sorry and are willing to do anything to fix things. And when you say sorry, the best you can do is mean it. If you don’t, then honestly just walk away.

Write a letter

This may sound ridiculous and immensely juvenile but often you cannot speak out your feelings. But you can, however, gather the time and muster enough words to let your partner know how you feel. Letters always work.

Be there

You have to be there when your partner needs you. Anytime and every time. You have to let them know that they can call you at 2 AM when the world is giving way to slumber or at 2 PM when the chaos gets to you. It’s even better if you are physically present. Intimacy is the first step to trust, and not in a sexual sense. Although that wouldn’t be bad either!

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson breaks up

Trusting someone again cannot be easy. We all know about the broken trust between celebrities like Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan and also about Hollywood actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. You know what they say, once bitten twice shy. You have to be patient. They may never completely be able to trust you again depending on the extent to which you have hurt them. But it’s the only way you will know. Don’t hide out in your shell and avoid your partner. Talk to them, make eye contact, touch them while you tell them how much they mean to you and cry if you feel like it. It’s now or never.

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