Rules To Follow When Living With Roommates

Living with the wrong roommates can be a nightmare


For those who thought sharing room with a flatmate is like TV series F.R.I.E.N.D.S, let me burst your bubble. That’s reel and we live in reality, so while roommates are fun and do help you grow as a person, living with them can get really difficult at times.

At some point in our lives, we move away from our homes either for higher studies or for work and we might have to share our living space (especially in the big metros like Mumbai where the rental rates almost touch the sky!) with another person. Here are some tips on how to be a good roommate:

Shower Time

We all love those long warm showers especially after a long day at college or work, but don’t forget it’s not you alone, there’s someone else who likes it too. Set rules for the amount of time that can be spent in the shower for each person. Also if you both have to leave for work or college at almost the same time, then make rotational rules, like if one wakes up earlier for a shower one day, the second person does the same the next day.

Keep intimate sounds low

If you have your boyfriend/ girlfriend staying over for the night, remember there are people trying to either study or sleep in the next room to keep the sounds of your adult intimacy low or then consider moving to your own place! Also inform them prior to your guest coming over to stay and don’t make it a regular habit.

Never borrow things without asking

Just because you are sharing the room with your roommate doesn’t give you the right to use their personal stuff like their combs, perfumes, toiletries, clothes etc. without their permission.

Take turns to do the grocery

Make a grocery list every month and take turns to do the grocery or else do it together. However, consider each other’s likes and dislikes in food while making the list. Just because you like cold cuts or salads, don’t stock your fridge only with those things; make sure you buy what your roommate likes too.

Refill the water bottles after you drink water

This is the most common problem all roommates face, remember others feel thirst too. The worst thing for anyone is to come home and see empty water bottles just when they are tired and thirsty.

Clean up the mess

It’s a huge pain in the …(beep) when you have to share a flat/room with someone who is super messy and always leaving their stuff everywhere. Keep your things neatly and in place, if you have messed up the room, clean it and also tell your roommate you expect them to do the same too.

There is nothing worse than going back home after a hard day and praying that your roommate is not home! To avoid such situations for you and your roommate follow the rules above. If you have nightmare or amazing stories with your roommates do share them with us.