Should You Cancel A Plan With Friends For A Sudden Date Plan

Canceling plans with anyone is not a cool thing to do unless absolutely needed

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Okay, so you have plans with your friends a week ahead of time. It was planned quite ahead so that everyone can be there, after managing their other commitments from their busy schedule. All of you are really excited about the plan, and cannot keep your excitement under the wraps! You are constantly messaging about it on WhatsApp group. And, then the guy or girl you were really enjoying a chat with asks you if you are free the same day you have a plan with your friends so that the two of you could catch up. You are at a split not knowing what to say. It can really be difficult to decide if you would want to keep the plan with your friends or ditch them and go ahead on a date.

How Do You Feel About Meeting All Your Friends After So Long?

Weren’t you looking forward to meeting all your friends?

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Are you not excited to catch up with all your friends and have a gala time? How would you have felt if a friend of yours were ditching you, after making a plan to meet up? Friends might not say it always when they feel bad, but these things make them hurt, no matter how subtle it is. Try to be honest with the person who asked you out and tell them that you have certain prior commitments on that day, but you could surely make it any other day.

Integrity Is A Good Practice

A bit of integrity will not hurt you. Rather, you will be loved by others who have the same virtue, too. If you stick to your plan and tell that clearly yet politely to the person who you are willing to go out with, they will understand your integrity. If they understand you, they will plan out another day to catch up with you. If the person on the other side is understanding they will surely understand you, and not make any fuss about it.

Think for yourself; Would you cancel your date to go out with your friends for a sudden plan? You won’t, right? Then, why would you want to do it when it comes to meeting your friends? There can be quite a few times when dates and times will clash but try not to cancel on anyone unless there was an absolute need. For instance, if the person who asked you out would be going out of town for a year after that, you might want to catch up. In that case, explain it to your friends and they are sure to understand.

Having said that, I would say friends are more important than casual dates. What do you think? write to us and let us know.