The 3 Important Questions In A Relationship

Questions that answer The Question- “Am I in the right relationship?”

Image Credit: Movie - Dear Zindagi

When you are in a relationship, do not just make it about everything nice and fun. In order to have a long term, healthy, and serious relationship; you must sometimes resort to the difficult questions. The answers to such questions will help you give the right direction to your relationship. But what questions? The questions can be many. It also depends from relationship to relationship. But here is our best attempt to bring you 3 important questions.

Am I Still Me? – Ask Yourself

The struggle to be yourself is real. Do not let the love of your life make it more difficult for you.

Image Credit: Movie – Queen

Falling in love doesn’t mean to fit in someone else’s idea of you. It is important that they love you for who you are. Be yourself, unapologetically and then see what turn your relationship takes. Changing your identity for the sake of your relationship might work temporarily but in long term, it could be disastrous. Also, that wouldn’t be love. And the whole hoopla is to find that true love of yours and settle down for good. But if they expect you to change yourself for them, move on, because that’s not your true love for sure.

Do You Trust Me? – Ask Your Partner

Without trust, there cannot be a relationship.

Image Credit: Movie – Socha Na Tha

Trust is really important in any relationship. If your partner doesn’t even trust you, what’s the point? A lot of pillars in a relationship are built around the base of trust. A lot of joys of relationships depend on the trust level you two share. Without trust, a relationship cannot last. It is just no feasible. So, the smart thing to do is ask an honest question and demand an honest answer. Maybe, there’s something you both can do about it, let’s say if the answer is negative. Any which way, you win when you ask.

Are We In A Balanced Relationship? – Ask Each Other

It is important that you are both equally contributing to the relationship.

Image Credit: Movie – October

And here is the most important question of all. This is a question that you have to keep asking yourself as well as your partner. This question will keep your relationship dynamics very healthy and give it the mileage it deserves. Balance in a relationship is very pervasive concept that includes compromises, sacrifices, respect, love, care, support, efforts, and everything that matters. Reciprocation is a must in every relationship. Do not let yourself believe otherwise.

Three simple questions to make sure you are in the right relationship. Well obviously, this doesn’t guarantee anything. But you got to do what you got to do! Yeah?