The Most Important Relationships In Your Life

We all wonder, don’t we? Who is more important? Let’s find out.

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No matter how harsh this sounds, let me break this to you. There is no such thing as a more important relationship. If you are here looking for an answer, if you opened this article in the hope of finding which relationship in your life is most important; you definitely need to read this article. Not because you will find answers to your questions but because you will something way more important- another perspective. The idea, that we cannot have a ground rule differentiating relationships on the basis of its importance. Because,

Every relationship in our life has its own importance and its own significance

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You can never choose just one relationship out of all you hold dear in your life. Nobody can replace the position of your parents in your life. Nobody can do what your friends do for you. Nobody can fulfill you the way your partner does. Nobody can make you happy like your own child does. And so on. So, every relationship gives you a reason to live. Every relationship has its own meaning. In fact,

Your life is defined by your relationships

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Every relationship you have adds meaning to YOUR LIFE. At the end of the day, everyone just wants to love and be loved. The greatest joy in your life will always come out of a relationship and the greatest regret or sorrow will also be because of a failed or lost relationship. This is how our world is made to work. It survives on love and compassion. It is not the importance that varies in every relationship but It is love. You will feel different kind of love based on the nature of the relationship.

You love for your partner is that of lifelong commitment. Your love for your family is about your willingness to spend time with them. You love for your friends finds its root in loyalty. And so on. We do different things to sustain different relationships. We sometimes make priorities, but we also change them. In order to sustain all these relationships,

You need to have a strong relationship with yourself

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You are the only person who stood by you at all times. You have seen everything. In order to have a healthy and strong relationship with yourself, you also have to invest in yourself. Give yourself some time, every day. Forgive yourself. Practice self-care. You will be able to take care of others, only if you take care of yourself first.

I hope you understand now why there is no such thing as the most important relationship. They are important, even your relationship with your enemies. We will talk about that some other time!