This Can Make The Girl Ask You Out

If you secretly fancy her but not sure how she’ll respond, this can do the trick

Image Credit: assortedzone

There’s something special and different about letting the girl get interested and take the cues and ask you out. She takes the lead and you follow, and that’s quite a great feeling when someone else takes the initiative and does the work and asks you out, isn’t it?

You may be secretly fancying her, and really want to go out on a date. But it’s possible you’re not yet sure about how she will react if you ask her out, or you just want to feel a little bit more special and wanted or want to take this fun task up to see if she can fancy you enough to ask you out instead.

Here’s what can seal the deal.

Share Your Feelings With Her

One of the things that differ when it comes to how the genders play and project their feelings is that girls are usually more open and accepting of their feelings while guys try to play it down or hide it. Instead, play out your feelings and emotions, let her see you sad, upset, worried, nervous, happy, jealous, or even smitten! Message her, call her, sit down next to her and talk to her about what all is going on.

Be Around But Don’t Be All Over Her

You need to be around her a lot, but not as if you don’t have anyone else to be with or anything else to do. The fact is, you shouldn’t be so near her all the time that she starts to take you for granted. Be there sometimes, then be gone for a lot more of the time. This will give her a chance to miss you, and if she does, she may realize she likes having you around.

Don’t Jump Into It

Give her some time to understand her feelings

Image Credit: youqueen

Don’t get to the conclusion that just because she has not asked you out means that she never will. Keep your senses open and see if it feels like she likes to spend time with you, or if she is interested in you as well. If you rush it, she may back off, so play it slow.

Then again, you don’t want to wait forever and see her walking away to the sunset with another date. If you don’t think she’s getting the hint, send her messages about watching a movie together, without making it look like an obvious date. And yes, tell her in some way that you love spending time with her, and let her do the work.