7 Things You Must Do As A Solo Traveller!

Are you brave enough to finally go out on a solo trip?

Image Credit: pexels.com

Okay. So with friends ditching you so many times, you have finally decided to go out on that trip alone. And there is no harm in doing that. You are that gutsy person who everyone aspires to be but isn’t. But, there’s no denying that there are a lot of things to keep in mind when you are finally about to travel solo!

Always Talk To People, Not Some Guidebook!

Books can never give you a glimpse of the culture, the feeling of being at a new place

Image Credit: unsplash.com

Once you reach at your destination, ditch that guidebook and sit at a public place. Go out and visit a café or an open store. You will get to know much more about the people and the overall culture of the place. When you go out to a new place solo, you should always seem like a person who is open to a great conversation. Try to blend in and live like a local. It will be a brand new experience for you.

Tip: Any eye contact with people in a new place should be accompanied by a polite hello. It works like a magic.

Say No To “No”!

There’s no one at a new place who cares. Just do everything you want to do!

Image Credit: pixabay.com

If you are out there on your own, do not hesitate to speak out a loud YES to everything that comes your way. From a simple coffee meeting to the more adventurous things like a dive or a trek, just go for it! Life is all about experimenting, so just try out the things that you always wanted to!

Go Out With Strangers!

It’s time to let go of that childhood fear for good!

Image Credit: pixabay.com

How many times have our family members told us to not speak to strangers? Trust us, everybody out there you see is a human with emotions and feelings. To enjoy a place at your solo trip, you need to let go of that fear and go out with strangers. Make new friends. Leave a mark and take some with you.

Pro tip: Keep an introduction ready! Any native person who is interactive may ask you general questions about your background, job, etc. It is best that you have a short introduction ready, so that you come out as impressive and interesting.

Why So Serious? Let Loose, Have Fun!

That universal language of SMILE! Keep using it

Image Credit: pixabay.com

Anywhere you go in the world, everybody speaks the beautiful language of smile. If you have that smile intact, you will always come across as kind and welcoming, which you are, right? When you are happy and welcoming, your surrounding also becomes lively and welcoming. So, make that happen!

Try Something You Will Never Get To Do At Home!

For example: FLYYYYY.

Image Credit: Phoenix Hot Air Balloon Rides

Just don’t keep roaming around the city. I mean, that’s great. Do that! But sauce it up a bit. Do some salsa. Hop on a hot air balloon or do some scuba diving or anything else that you never get a chance to do at home. Remember, this is YOUR trip. Live it to your fullest!

Let Your Family Or Best Buddies Know About Your Itenary!

Just let them know about your whereabouts

Image Credit: pixabay.com

Even with great and friendly people around you, you still are in unfamiliar territory. Keep a couple of your best friends or someone in your family informed about your current location so as to keep that binding force with your hometown alive!

Take Yourself Out For A Dinner And Shop For Yourself

Go solo, eat alone, have fun! Be like Mr. Bean!

Image Credit: Mr. Bean

Now that you are on a solo trip, there’s no harm in being a bit selfish. Go out, treat yourself with delicious food. Explore the markets and buy yourself presents. Just make your you have a good time with yourself.

This list is endless. But if you end up following a list made by someone else, are you REALLY on a solo trip? So here’s my last and final addition to the list- MAKE YOUR OWN LIST.

Happy Journey!