7 Interesting Jobs For Animal Lovers

Love animals? Thinking of a career that whets your love for wildlife? Here are some jobs for animal lovers.


There are some of us who think that dogs and cats are better companions than humans. We prefer the morning calls of birds over alarms, and like to head towards the zoo for every Sunday outing. Are you thinking go turning your love for animals into something more than just keeping pets at home?

If you want to turn your love for wildlife into a career, here are some interesting jobs for you.

Pet Sitter

Often people with pets have to leave home for long periods of time work trips or they may get too busy. AT such times, pet sitters fill in for them. You will have to feed, bath and play with the pet. General health awareness is necessary, in case you need to take them to the veterinary for emergency medical care.

Dog trainer

Dogs as pets become an intrinsic part of the family. But often they need training. Families too need help to respond to the needs of the dog. At such times, dog trainers step in to bridge the gap between the family and the dog.

Pet groomer

Many people love to pamper their pets. Even if pets could talk, they would love to demand the occasional styling. So the pet stylist needs to bath, brush, trim and provides other grooming services. Pet groomers are in huge demands where pet shows are organised.

Wildlife photography

This job revolves outside the urban life. But is a great career opportunity. You will be required to travel around the country and the world, for different species. While the job sounds glamorous, it requires some roughing it out. And you may have to pay your dues, before making it to the Nat Geo cover.


This job requires too fold work in the laboratory as well as out in the field. A strong scientific inclination and training is a must for this work. Often employed by universities, research organisations, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, this job is great if you want to uncover the wonders of evolution and wildlife.


In simple terms, this is an animal doctor. You need an education in medical science, and be ready to work closely with injured and diseased animals. A fair warning though, this job is not for the weak hearted.

Animal shelter volunteer

Every city has a few animal shelters. But they are mostly short of funds, and love to have volunteers. Here is a small way to make big difference in animal care. They need volunteers for animal care as well as raise funds and help in management. Even if you have a full time career, you can spare some hours or weekends towards your love for wildlife.

You do not have to Selena Gomez or Sunny Leone to adopt animals. Friendicoes allows you to volunteer or adopt pets.

From the generalist to the specialist, animal lovers have all kinds of jobs to do.