7 Things Not To Do During An Interview

These mistakes could ruin your job interview


Many of us are very nervous for our first job interviews. We may have prepared and rehearsed many times, taken feedback and inputs from friends who have work experience, or even asked them to help us with mock interviews. But nothing really prepares us for the real deal.

But often, the biggest mistake we make is let the fear overrule us. We let our nervousness get the better of us, and end up ruining the situation for worse.

In the film, “Devil Wears Prada”, Anne Hathaway makes many mistakes during her interview with Meryl Streep, but manages to convince her to give her an opportunity

Image Credit: Movie – Devil Wears Prada

Employers are evaluating more than your words during the interview process. Your actions and non-verbal expressions tell a lot about your character, and if you are not careful, they can send the wrong message to your interviewers.

So, what are some glaring mistakes to avoid for your interview?

Go unprepared

Prepare yourself by reading all the details of your resume. It looks foolhardy to forget something on your own CV. Also, arrive on time, not too late or too early. Leave some cushion for delays enroute, but arriving too early also shows undue eagerness.

Lancy Galbao, Director at Orca Sails, asserts that, “You should not go out late night partying the night before the interview, unless you have organised everything, right from the socks, spray, speech, sheets”. You should also not depend on your friends to get you there on time.

Show your nervousness

It is normal to be nervous for the interview. But you should not forget to smile. Expressing a radiant and positive persona is important. Because however advanced your skills may be, nobody likes to work with people who carry a negative energy.

Rude to the receptionist

Even the lowliest receptionist or administrative worker may be asked his opinion about the impression you have made. Engage everyone you meet. So, do not forget to be polite to people outside the interview room.

Leave your cell phone on

You may lose a winning battle if your cell phone starts blipping with notifications or rings out during an interview. It might give a message to the interviewers that you are not serious about the job. Also, it is basic courtesy to keep your phone on silent during such an important conversation.

Exaggerate your claims

Lancy Galbao also says that it could be fatal to lie during an interview. And worse if you try to cover your lies when caught. He adds, “Showing off is a big turn off for interviewers.” Whatever may be the level of your expertise, most interviewers prefer humility and honesty.

Look at your watch

If you monitor the time in an obvious way, it might be perceived as an indication that you are bored, or in a hurry. Also, now, when most of look at the time on cell phones, it might send a wrong message if you keep looking at your phone screen. They may think that you get distracted easily, and that will not bode well in a potential employee.

Reacting, instead of responding

Do not be in a hurry to speak. Take time to listen to what they are actually asking, and then respond well. Often in our nervousness, we forget to listen, and end up making unnecessary goof ups.

So, avoid these mistakes, which could actually make you lose a potentially great job opportunity.

Read Also: 5 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview