A Few Easy Ways To Deal With Clients Who Micromanage

How to handle the frustration of being micromanaged?

A Few Easy Ways To Deal With Clients Who Micromanage
Image Credit: entrepreneur.com

Are you being micromanaged at your workplace? If yes, then this very common dysfunction should be resolved. No employee likes a boss who hovers over them like a helicopter. Micromanagement is frustrating to the core and still, it’s quite commonplace. Management is a tricky job and it isn’t easy at all. Bosses often feel that the employees aren’t accountable enough and in some places, the employees might feel that the boss doesn’t trust them enough and hence, micromanagement is the only solution. However, this is something which needs to be fixed in any working environment and here are a few ways which can help you to do so. Let’s have a look!

Understand The Reason

Fear of failure is one of the major reasons behind bosses’ micromanaging. So, at first you need to have a one-to-one conversation and if the reason is the numbers, you need to assure them that you have their back and you would help them with the profits. You need to provide them a certainty that you are a part of the company and your performance won’t go down.

Change The Management Style

Alter the management style so you don’t have to be too picky always

Image Credit: shutterstock

Micromanaging is something that no one likes, including the ones who do that. So, maybe changing the style of management will help. You can think about providing new approaches and different techniques to get the job done. You can set goals with your team members, monitor everyone’s performances time-to-time and make corrections when needed. This doesn’t even require looking over a person’s shoulder all of the time!

Delegate The Works

If your boss has a tendency to micromanage, the reason might be the fact that he/she doesn’t like to lose control over the employees. Or, he/she might not have got the chance before this to lead a team. Or he/she might be too worried about the results. Whatever the reason be, you can let them know the power of delegating the work. Show them how delegation will free them up and they will be able to focus on something else.

Finally, being honest really works in this case! If the way your boss micromanages on you is hurting you and getting in your way of delivering results, let them know about it. If it’s hampering your ideas and creativity, make them understand it. Always remember, have faith in yourself and do not get intimidated by your boss. After all, they are also working for the same company as you are.