Did You Ask These Questions During Your Performance Review?

Why you should not forget these things during your next review?

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While the performance review can be a scary episode with the boss tearing down your record of the last year, and trying to prove why you don’t deserve a raise or a promotion, often it is a good opportunity to sit down and gain some insight into your position and performance at work.

You can really make the most of your review to get some information, that is often unsought but can prove valuable to take decisions about your career and your prospects at the organisation.

What Would Be Your Next Step?

Even if you have been doing a great job throughout the year, and have had a glowing review, you could not have reached your apex. Instead of complacency, you can ask what would be your next step within the team and individually. Whether it is management training or learning a new technical skill, or whether it is your communication skill, there is always something you could work on to better your position. So, ask your boss what you could specifically work on to strengthen your performance and position at work.

Priyanka Dalvi, Founder, Information For All, says, “You can clearly ask the areas where you could improve for the boss to consider your candidature for a promotion. You can also ask about organisational and team goals so that your work remains aligned with these goals.”

Have You Shared Your Future Goals?

You should take the opportunity to share your professional goals with the boss. If what the boss expects from you, and what you have thought for yourself is not aligned, it could mean that you will have to reconsider your future with the organisation.

It is also important to know when you would have an informal review so that you can regularly track your performance

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What Is The Timeline For Your Raises, Promotion And Next Review?

You should also clearly ask about when the discussed promotion and raises would be implemented. It is also a good time to discuss when you could expect the next formal and informal review. Although formal reviews are held annually, it is better to take a quarterly review to genuinely improve your performance and work consistently towards the goals.

These are some of the things that you should remember to ask during your next performance review.