Five Super Successful People Who Faced Failures Before Becoming Famous

From being rejected to failing at what they were doing, they finally made it big


Almost all the names we have on the list today are giants in their own fields, and it is almost impossible to imagine that they could ever have been part of something that didn’t work out well, or that they were considered as failures and rejected by others.

These 5 names only go on to show that with continuous determination, patience and the ability to work your way through, failure can be turned into worldwide fame and recognition.

Ford Didn’t Start With Making Cars

The line of Henry Ford cars

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Today, Henry Ford is known for his American made cars and as the founder of the Ford Motor Company. However, this business magnate had attempted a series of businesses before starting the Ford Motor Company, ventures that had made him go broke five times before he finally made it happen.

Macy Got Eight Time Lucky

One of the Macy stores

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The Macy store is popular with many people today as one of the bigger and well-known department store chains, but even before R H Macy became successful, he first had to go through seven failed business attempts, before the Macy store at New York City proved to be a successful venture and made Macy popular.

Gates Had One Gate Closed Before Windows

Founded Microsoft

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The world knows him as the American business magnate, the main founder of the Microsoft Corporation, an investor, an author and many such roles. But what many may not know is that Bill Gates had started a business that failed, a venture called Traf-O-Data that he had started with Paul Allen, who later became the co-founder of Microsoft.

Mr. Disney Filed For Bankruptcy Once Prior To Starting Disney

Walt Disney with his creations

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It is difficult and almost impossible to imagine that Walt Disney could have ever failed at anything, but the man, who is responsible for changing the meaning and the standards of the word ‘entertainment’ had been fired by his newspaper editor because apparently he did not have enough imagination and good ideas. Walt Disney went on to start a number of business ventures, none of which worked and in fact he had to file for bankruptcy and was considered a failure. Today, he is one of the most popular names in the world.

Studios Did Not Find Chaplin Funny, Seriously?

Even as he was rejected by studio chiefs, his movies still remain as popular as ever

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The name that is synonymous with comic entertainment, Charlie Chaplin had been rejected by a number of Hollywood studio heads because they felt his acts made no sense at all and none of it would be interesting enough for the audience.

As author Napolean Hill said, “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

Read Also: Super Successful Entrepreneurs Who First Failed, Then Rose To Stardom