Have You Already Used These 3 Phrases That Will Surely Impress Your Boss?

Things that your boss is waiting to hear from you


We all look to our seniors and boss for advice, guidance and mentoring. But sometimes they expect us to volunteer certain suggestions. You can surprise your boss with these words, which he or she may be waiting to hear from their employees. These things surely up your chance for the next promotion.

In ‘Suits’ Mike impresses his boss Harvey by telling him frankly that he could handle the pressure of a case, and candidly accepting when he was wrong

Image Credit: TV Series – Suits

“I will take care of this”

Every boss looks for an employee who is ready to take responsibility. They don’t always want to delegate, sometimes they like when employees volunteer to do something or initiate a work process on their own. Letting your boss know you can handle a responsibility might give them the confidence they need to let you run with whatever it is. And, it gives you an opportunity to show your skills.

“I am sorry”

Owning up to your faults does not mean you will be belittled or fired from work. It actually shows honesty. Everyone makes mistakes at work. After all it human to err. But owning up to your mistake shows a candid temper and genuine interest in your work, without hypocrisy or sycophancy. At the end of the day, stepping up to own our mistakes shows great character and courage.

“Can I Help?”

Any organisation always has more task than people and resources. Especially in smaller organisations and startups, where there are no strict silos in roles, you can volunteer to help. Asking if you can help is an open-ended invitation to your boss to let them know that you genuinely care about your work, and don’t it only for the sake of the paycheque.

Sometimes people think it is safest to keep their heads down and say nothing. Especially dominant bosses like to be heard, not spoken to. But most places have opportunity to speak up and use an opportunity to show your boss you care about them and the work.

So, if you have the skill and time, try these little phrases that your boss may be waiting to hear.

Read Also: What To Do When Your Boss Does Not Trust You