Here’s How You Can Make Your Next Performance Review Less Painful

What to do through the year to ensure a great performance review?

Image Credit: demandstudios

Even if you are confident about your work, the time for performance review can be nerve-wracking. From the self-appraisal form to sitting across your manager when you know they will talk about the many times you came in a little late, you have to be prepared for it all.

But there are a couple things you can do throughout the year to make this process a whole lot less stressful.

Keep A Track Of Your Responsibilities

Constantly maintain a record of your daily responsibilities, with an eye on your job description. This will help you ensure that you are doing all that is expected of you and be prepared for any discussion of the same. If you did something beyond your duty, note it down. It might serve as an instance during the review.

Being A Goal Setter

Keep an eye on the goals and tasks you want to do. Is there a difficult client you want to tackle, or a financial target you want to achieve? Maintain a record of all that you plan to do to achieve the target. Also think ahead to the future roles or responsibilities you are interested in. Once you get a sense of what positions pique your interest. you can start to set your goals for next year.

To successfully propel your career forward, you also want to make sure nothing is holding you back. Keeping track of areas that challenged you this year can help you set goals that address a professional weakness or a gap in your knowledge.

In ‘The Office’, Jim Halbert comes with his talking points to Michael Scott

Image Credit: TV Series – The Office

Have A Planning Cycle

Swathi Reddy, Head Human Resource at Foyr, says, “Start with a structure, arrive with Key Result Areas at the beginning of the quarter, build and maintain a clear pay planning cycle driven by external and internal parity. self-appraisal followed by manager appraisal against pre-discussed KRAs and goals.”

If you add these simple tips to your daily routine, and you will be better prepared for a fantastic review meeting the next time.